Foreign Affairs

The terrorist group Hezbollah and their Iranian patrons are preparing for war against our Israeli allies. We know this because Israel discovered at least two tunnels crossing into their territory from Lebanon. These tunnels...
Improving our border security doesn’t mean just improving physical security along our border. It also means addressing the problems that bring them here in the first place.
Theresa May
Our British allies are making a bad deal. The current Brexit deal that Theresa May's government has made with the European Union could position the United Kingdom as a de facto colony, where it is subject to EU rules but...
I have said for over 20 years that the United States will be at war in the future with both Russia and China.  Even more boldly, I’ve suggested when that conflict would take place.  Which, on the surface...
Around the globe today, nations plagued by conflict and violence pose serious challenges for our interests abroad and security at home. 
For more than 130 years, Americans have had a close friendship with the Serbian people. Our troops fought side-by-side in both World War I and World War II, forging a strong bond between our nations. Today, Serbia remains an...
President Trump's decision to restore all sanctions on Iran that had been removed under the terrible nuclear deal is to be applauded.  We now know that despite the Obama Administration's attempts to appease the mullahs in...
Our supposed Turkish allies are holding Americans hostage. At least two Americans, Andrew Brunson and Serkan Golge, are being held by the Turkish regime on fake charges.
Ten years ago, Russian tanks rolled across the border into the independent nation of Georgia. I was there and saw the little green men with my own eyes. After five days of bloody fighting, with thousands of innocent...
After weeks of uncertainty about the planned US-North Korea summit, US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed a "comprehensive" document.
The people of Iran have taken to the streets and continue to protest against the illegitimate regime of the Ayatollah and the mullahs. These protests have taken place in numerous cities now for one year.
The Republic of Georgia is a beacon of democracy in a part of the world which has struggled to break the legacy of Soviet oppression. While Georgia successfully achieved independence in 1991, Moscow is still attempting to...
Vladimir Putin has again reminded the world that he has no respect for international law, sovereignty of neighboring states, or peace in our world. Since 2014, Russia has illegally occupied Crimea and fueled a war in Eastern...
President Trump has said from the beginning that his tariffs were designed to get trading partners back to the table and to hammer out deals that benefits all parties.  One of the first areas of focus was with Canada and...
Pakistan is a state that not only harbors extremists but incorporates their wicked ideology into law. For years, Pakistani religious minorities have suffered under the nation’s barbaric blasphemy laws, with dozens sentenced...
World globalism is growing rapidly.  Borderless countries are popping up with apparent dire consequences as a result.  Muslims are streaming into Europe with devastating impact.  Although many Americans want secured borders...
Earlier this week, Secretary of State Pompeo announced the U.S. was ending the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights with Iran. This justified decision comes after three decades of Iran blatantly...
Billionaire George Soros is undermining our democratic allies in Europe. For decades he has spent billions of dollars financing activists, journalists, and politicians to challenge democratically elected leaders who do not...
As the war waged in Syria has moved forward with YPG (Kurdish) troops in the North and U.S.-supported FSA and Iraqi Troops in the East, ISIS took major hits and was reduced in operational functionality over 2017.
Just hours before President Trump’s historic nuclear summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the Trump administration is hinting at the bargaining chips the president may have in his back pocket as he readies for the...



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