
ObamaCare: The Pig on Ice

If you’ve never seen a pig ice skate, then just take a gander at ObamaCare.

Obama has done about everything he can do to keep the attention off ObamaCare, but it’s time for another propaganda campaign from the Politburo. Read more about ObamaCare: The Pig on Ice

Bring Back Our Marine

It’s been six months since Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was arrested for accidentally crossing the border into Mexico with three legally registered firearms. He’s sat in a Mexican prison ever since without any treatment for the PTSD that he suffers from. This week, a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee held a hearing on Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. At the hearing, I questioned how ironic it was that our Administration can negotiate with the Taliban to secure the release of a missing soldier, but no one from the Administration could pick up a telephone to get our Marine back. That is simply unacceptable and inexcusable. Read more about Bring Back Our Marine

Pete Sessions Statement on the September Jobs Report


While this month’s jobs report indicates some signs of job growth, the American economy is still not growing quickly enough or broadly enough. Since President Obama took the oath of office, nearly 60% of job gains have been in low wage work, not full time, well-paying careers. Sadly, 9.7 million Americans remain underemployed while another nearly 10 million Americans have given up looking for work altogether.

Argument for Man being the primary mover behind Climate change debunked by Climate Alarmist!

The argument for man being the primary mover behind climate change is being debunked by the very studies provided by the believers in man being the primary mover behind climate change. That is right, climate alarmists are realizing that their computer models fail to predict the present climate pattern and are starting to look for excuses. Nature may play a role is their conclusion. Read more about Argument for Man being the primary mover behind Climate change debunked by Climate Alarmist!

Texas Voters to Decide on Taking a Step Forward for Road Construction


Texas is an economic engine unlike any other, but there are things that could put the brakes on our dynamic growth. Congested highways and the unreasonably long commutes that go along with them have the potential to slow commerce in a way that promises to be detrimental to the Texas economic experience. With over 1,000 people moving here each day, we’re told to expect as many as 18 million additional vehicles on our roads by the year 2040. That’s 45 million cars and trucks.

When Governor Rick Perry first took over the central office at the Texas Capitol in 2000, the state had zero debt for roads. One of Perry's enduring legacies – for better or worse – is that he embraced government debt to finance construction of highways. Now the credit card is maxed out,

Cease Travel Until the Ebola Threat is Contained

Yesterday, I sent a letter to Dr. Frieden, Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), regarding the recently confirmed case of Ebola in the United States. In the letter, Poe calls on the CDC to recommend that the President invoke his authority under 42 U.S.C. Title 42 Sec. 265 to prohibit non-essential travel to Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea by all American citizens, resident aliens, and foreign nationals attempting entry into the United States, until this current outbreak is brought under control. Read more about Cease Travel Until the Ebola Threat is Contained

Texas Governor’s Debate: Davis Dodges Questions With Unfounded Attacks


Once again, Texas Senator Wendy Davis used the Texas gubernatorial debates not to advance her own agenda, but to dodge questions and continue unfounded and disproven attacks on Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Davis continued to ignore the moderator when her time had concluded on numerous questions and refused to give specific answers to questions from the panelists. Read more about Texas Governor’s Debate: Davis Dodges Questions With Unfounded Attacks

The Transition from Communism: What Happened Next?


How did eastern Europe transition away from communism? What were conditions like on the eve of the transformation? What factors contributed to it? What happened to all the property owned by the state? Today I discussed the Polish case with Professor Mateusz Machaj. You guys have been asking for this topic, and here it is!

Read more about The Transition from Communism: What Happened Next?

First Case of Ebola in the United States Diagnosed in Dallas, TX

Yesterday afternoon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States is a patient who was admitted Sunday into Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas in Dallas, Texas.

Before the news was official, I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the CDC, and had a very informative discussion regarding the logistics of the case and the next steps the CDC is taking for containment

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Kill the Poor

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Justice, let the cat out of the bag when defending a woman's unlimited right to an abortion. She observed, “It makes no sense as a national policy to promote birth only among poor people.” This is not the first time that Justice Ginsburg noted that abortion is helpful in keeping the number of the poor under control.

In a previous interview, she added that Roe v. Wade was intended for population control “particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” As National Review's Kevin Williamson noted, “This is not her first time weighing in on the question of what by any intellectually honest standard must be described as eugenics...


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