
America’s Looming Debt Crisis

America has a spending problem, and we are living on borrowed money. Last week, the Treasury Department announced that the U.S. will hit the $16.4 trillion dollar borrowing limit by the end of the year.

I truly believe we are facing a real and urgent problem, and I want to walk you through the numbers so you can decide for yourself. It is important to understand the magnitude of our current debt and what it means for the future of America. Read more about America’s Looming Debt Crisis

Thousands of Ballots Unlikely to Reach Military Voters


U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, joined by Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), John McCain (R-AZ), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to express their concern over the Department of Defense not reducing delays in ballots reaching military voters stationed overseas.

Immigration Reform - The Silent Issue in Presidential Politics

Guest Workers NeededPresident Obama made huge promises to the American people about what he would do about immigration. He promised voters he would pass true reform legislation in his first year in office. Not only did he not pass any kind of reform, he did not even propose anything. And this was during a time where he controlled the U.S. House and Senate and could have passed anything he wanted. He did nothing.

Now fast forward to the 2012 election.

Harris County Republicans Voting Strong - Still Need Your Vote - Analysis of Today's Vote and Early Voting

The Tax Man Paul BettencourtElection Day voting in Harris County is very stong in traditional Republican polling locations. This according to former Harris County Tax Man, Paul Bettencourt. In a conversation today Bettencourt said we could see voter turnout in strong Republican boxes as high as 80%. That said, this is not a time to sit back. While Hispanic voting boxes in Harris County are somewhat low at this point, other traditional Democrat polling locations

Insanity Definition (doing the same thing and expecting a different result) Illustrated in Cleveland, Ohio

Yesterday, the day before Election Day 2012, after completing my last “knock on door and distribute literature” assignment as part of the Mighty Texas Strike Force, I drove from the Cleveland suburbs into the city, to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections building. This election location was open for Early Voting on election eve, and the lines were literally multiple city blocks long.

En route from suburb to city, I passed through neighborhoods featuring sagging front porches, roofs missing more tiles than remained intact, litter strewn and weed-overgrown empty lots, more businesses shuttered than functioning, and a depressing sense of bygone bustle and business. The main still-in-business entities I saw were bars. Read more about Insanity Definition (doing the same thing and expecting a different result) Illustrated in Cleveland, Ohio

Where Do I Vote in Texas? 2012 Voting Day Information - Let's Run Up the Score!

As I have said for weeks now, this election is not about winning, it's about sending a message to Washington D.C. and to Austin, Texas. No more big government. No more big spending. No more abuse of government processes to redistribute wealth. Last night, former Harris County Tax Assessor, Paul Bettencourt said it best proclaiming that "in Texas it's not just about winning, it's about running up the score!"  Today is your best opportunity to do that by getting out to vote and taking ten of your like-minded friends with you. Read more about Where Do I Vote in Texas? 2012 Voting Day Information - Let's Run Up the Score!

It's Election Day – Vote Today to Save Our Freedom, Liberty and Nation

My name is John Griffing. I'm an average patriotic American citizen, and I’m alarmed. I’m alarmed at the speed with which our country is giving away its precious freedoms, and I’m alarmed at the role our own president has played in this process. But, above all, I’m alarmed at how little is being done, that could and should be done, to STOP it.

Early on, our president told us he wanted to fundamentally change the United States of America. True to his word, he has worked tirelessly to undermine American sovereignty and economic strength, and to bring his own country to the brink of disaster. There’s no longer any need to build this case....the volume of evidence is

Ted Cruz will Win Today's Election - Ready to Serve

Ted Cruz on Election EveAs for all of the candidates on this years ballot, this election cycle has been a very long, frustrating, rewarding and exhausting road.  An extended primary thanks to some federal judges and the Democrats, a July runoff election and then a shortened sprint to the finish line.  Former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz will cross that line sometime after 7 pm tonight and become Senator-elect Ted Cruz. That is a very hard-fought and well-earned title for him and a great victory for conservatives in Texas. Read more about Ted Cruz will Win Today's Election - Ready to Serve

Profane Emails From Texas Speaker Joe Straus’s Office Reveal War Against Conservatives

Private emails between Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus staff/leaders reveal Straus's profanity-laden disdain for Texas Conservatives. These emails were revealed on

This is TEXAS for crying out loud! How is it possible that we have a speaker who hates conservatives? These emails that have been revealed should not come as a surprise to anyone because Straus already has a proven record of attacking Conservatives, hurting them in redistricting, campaigning against them, and even giving money to Democrats to beat Republicans.


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