
Ted Cruz Selected VP of National Republican Senatorial Committee


Texas Senator Elect Ted Cruz has taken the nation by storm. Ted Cruz has proven that you can be a non-compromising super conservative and still be elected in America. Cruz has proven that grassroots campaigns with no establishment backing can still win elections. Cruz has proven that the Tea Party is not dead. Cruz has proven that Hispanics are conservative and are welcomed in the Republican Party. It is hard to prove to Hispanics that the Republican Party is the Party for them because the Liberal Democrats have brainwashed many Conservative Hispanics into believing that Republicans are against them. Having another very conservative, Hispanic Leader like Ted Cruz in the Republican Party will help

Ron Paul’s Farewell Address


Congressman Ron Pauls final speech on the House floor before leaving Congress:

Read more about Ron Paul’s Farewell Address

Fuzzy Math in St. Lucie County

The following came in from Allen West for U.S. Congress Campaign Manager Tim Edson:

With every passing day, the math coming out of St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker’s office becomes more and more fuzzy.

On Sunday the St. Lucie Supervisor of Elections conducted a partial recount of early voting. As a result of that count, the total number of votes dropped by 799. Then on Monday the Supervisor of Elections explained the drop by saying 3,650 votes were double counted

Cornyn Statement on Senate Republican Leadership Elections

John CornynToday I issued the following statement after Senate Republicans elected me to serve as Whip for the 113th Congress:

I’m honored to have been chosen by my colleagues to help lead our caucus during such a critical time for this country. Core Texas values like hard work, limited government, and individual liberty will continue to guide me in this new role. I look forward to working with the Conference to tackle the major hurdles before us, beginning with the looming fiscal cliff. Read more about Cornyn Statement on Senate Republican Leadership Elections

Bankruptcy Courts Part 2 – The Fox is Guarding the Henhouse While the Farmer Sleeps

My investigation into the Delphi Salaried Pension Scandal, one of the “not optimal” results of the bankruptcies of General Motors and auto parts manufacturer Delphi, turned out to be the tip of an iceberg of a system that is abusing American citizens while it serves a President bent on redistributing wealth.  After my investigation in Washington, D.C. and my visit to the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Courts in New York City, I learned there would be a conference of our nation’s bankruptcy judges in San Diego. What I learned there was very eye opening.

The conference was the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges.  The conference also included a hearing of the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Bankruptcy Reform Commission.

If We Don't Fix the Immigration Problem - The Republican Party is Dead

Immigration Slide from PressTVNow before all you noise makers on the extreme right get your knickers in a wad, this is not a story about amnesty. But it is a story about fixing a problem that should have been fixed in the last decade. It is also a story about learning how to communicate our message in a way that doesn't drive away people who should be aligned with our core values and principles. Immigration is a problem Democrats don't want to fix because it is an effective wedge issue to keep Hispanics, who share your same

Let's Go to Work

As Congress returns to Washington, I look forward to continuing to represent South Texas through the lame duck session and into the 113th Congress.

Right now, the media is in an uproar about the fiscal cliff that is fast approaching, and although there is a lot to be done, I am optimistic we will avert this cliff and start meaningful work on tax reform, job creation and immigration reform. You can count on me to continue to be your voice in Washington, D.C. I am honored to serve you and thank you for your involvement with the issues and challenges that face our country and the world. Read more about Let's Go to Work

The Fight for Travel Freedom Continues


After Unanimous House Support and Near Passage Last Session, Representative David Simpson Files Texas TSA Bill for Upcoming Session

(Longview) – Yesterday Representative David Simpson (R-Longview) pre-filed House Bill 80 (HB 80), entitled the “Texas Travel Freedom Act.” HB 80 aims to restrict unconstitutional violations of travelers’ persons and dignity — particularly by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which has made itself infamous for intrusive and humiliating pat-downs of innocent travelers. Read more about The Fight for Travel Freedom Continues

Congressional Agenda for the Remainder of 2012

Congress is now back into session, and there are a number of serious issues we’ll need to act on before the end of the year. Our country is facing a combination of automatic spending cuts and tax increases that are collectively being called a “fiscal cliff,” for the effect they would have on our economy if all the changes happen.

The independent firm Ernst & Young found that raising tax rates on small businesses by letting the top two tax rates expire, as President Obama proposes, will cost our economy 700,000 jobs. And the across-the-board defense cuts will endanger our security instead of making the common-sense spending reductions that we need. Read more about Congressional Agenda for the Remainder of 2012

Stand or Stand Down? Wrestling With the Future.

It’s taken me a few days to gather my thoughts and regroup after Tuesday’s devastating loss for America. Quite a few questions have been raised after America’s loss to Obama: where does the GOP go from here? Do we need to change our message? Do we need to move left? Do we need to be more conservative? Do we need to form a third party?

These are all valid questions and we will be debating these things for many months and maybe even years to come. One thing is for certain – the America we had hoped still existed does not anymore. We have reached the tipping point. So do we stand or stand down? Honestly, I have been wrestling with that. Here’s what I conclusion I came to: Read more about Stand or Stand Down? Wrestling With the Future.


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