Save the World and Make Money Doing It!

The next time you hear how the Koch Brothers are buying the election or that climate realists like yours truly are nothing more than tools of big oil, let's be a little honest about who are the biggest profiteers.

Tom Steyer is a billionaire who is committed to saving the world from man-made climate change, and he has made it clear that he will spend 100 million dollars to elect Democrats. Of course this billionaire has earned much of his hedge fund fortune by, get this, financing coal mines and coal-fired power plants throughout Asia and Australia.

Rep. Randy Neugebauer and Rep. Roger Williams announce 2014 Congressional Baseball Challenge


As proud members representing two teams competing in the College World Series, Rep. Roger Williams and I announced the establishment of the 2014 Congressional Baseball Challenge.

We want to bring attention to the fact that our schools, Texas Tech University and Texas Christian University, are among the eight elite teams playing in the CWS in Omaha. Every day, I am proud to be a Red Raider


The Republican State Convention was from June 5 – June 7, 2014 in Fort Worth, Texas. There were over 8,000 Delegate and Alternate attendees from throughout Texas working for a better tomorrow. Read more about SENATE DISTRICT 25 has FIRST-RATE CONVENTION

Breitbart Exclusive: Texas Rep. Farenthold Responds to Crisis at Texas Border

FORT WORTH, Texas—As thousands of unaccompanied minors stream seemingly effortlessly into South Texas, a humanitarian crisis is developing of the kind never seen before in modern American history. State and federal officials are scrambling to determine a proper course of action to address both the cause of the situation and for a solution on how to resolve the matter. Read more about Breitbart Exclusive: Texas Rep. Farenthold Responds to Crisis at Texas Border

Infiltrating Our Republican Party

The following article was posted on

I know it’s hard to pull away from the day-to-day routine of life. We’re all busy trying to keep up and move our families ahead. But while we’re grinding out our existence, a handful of self-appointed Republican “saviors” are steering the Republican Party too far right.

I realize most of us aren’t extreme in our views, and for the most part, we want limited government and opportunities to achieve our dreams.

Fighting EPA's Expansion of Power

Two new regulations issued by the EPA represent the largest expansion of power by the federal government in our nation’s history. The EPA’s new water rule would allow the federal government to regulate all man-made and natural bodies of water, including those on private property. The rule allows the federal government into our backyards, regulating private and public lakes, ponds and streams.

And the recent power plant rule is all pain and no gain for American families and workers. By imposing strict carbon regulations on existing power plants, the Obama administration will force many power plants to close down costing thousands of jobs and driving up electricity prices. Read more about Fighting EPA's Expansion of Power

Several Armed Robberies After Restaurant Says NO Guns Allowed


When Jack in the Box decided to ban guns on their property, law abiding citizens with permits to carry guns, STOPPED eating there and criminals with guns discover it is property filled with defenseless people waiting to be victims of crime.

There has now been another armed robbery at a Jack in the Box restaurant in Texas just weeks after the chain asked legal gun owners to leave their firearms at home. Read more about Several Armed Robberies After Restaurant Says NO Guns Allowed

Hillary Clinton: “Dead broke!”

Hillary Clinton is crying poverty. The woman who commands $200,000 per speaking engagement claims that after Bill and she left the White House, they were “dead broke.” 

Hillary Clinton told ABC News:

Read more about Hillary Clinton: “Dead broke!”

Guess What? Women Are Safer Being Married!

Does family structure matter? I have answered this question before, and certainly from an economic point there is no doubt that two parent households produce better economic security for the children and even the women involved in the marriage. In the Washington Post, a piece showed yet another reason for encouraging two parent households; women are safer in marriage from

How I Spent My Summer Vacation! Floor Fight at the Convention in Ft. Worth over Immigration Policy--What Just Happened?

[Editor’s Note: Mark Ramsey is a member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC), was a member of the 2014 State Platform and Resolutions Committee in Ft. Worth, and wrote the amendment that passed overwhelmingly, but was ultimately replaced by an amendment by substitution plank similar to the Minority Report.]

What a wild week at the largest GOP gathering on our planet! When I arrived Monday the Temporary Platform and Resolutions Committee – (TPARC) of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) had about 3000 platform planks that


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