
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
Ensuring that taxpayer dollars are never used to fund abortions is one of my top priorities in Congress.
Today’s announcement from the Supreme Court to review Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban is a hopeful sign that the will of the people to protect the right to life of the unborn will finally be properly considered.  
This legislation would prevent American tax dollars from propping up an international program that is openly complicit in China’s inhumane two-child policy and publicly praises China’s abusive population-control programs...
As we begin this year’s appropriations process, I am committed to ensuring that the innocent lives of the unborn are protected, and that conservatives reject Democrats’ attempts to allow for taxpayer funds to be used on...
The Texas legislature began its 87th session on January 12th. In the Texas Senate where 18 votes are required to bring legislation to the floor, Republicans hold an 18-13 majority.
My wife Cathy and I are parents only because of two women who chose life, and we know first-hand how impactful and important that decision is. That’s why I’m proud to fight for the sanctity of life and the rights of the...
The 2021 Texas Rally for Life will be held on Saturday, January 23, from 2-4 PM CT!
Yesterday, by a vote of 52-48, the United States Senate voted to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Both Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz voted to confirm....
Texas Reloaded candidates
Dan Crenshaw is putting together a winning team!  He needs our help. Texas Reloaded​ is a joint fundraising effort for six outstanding candidates for the US House of Representatives.  The Democratic Party I grew up with no...
Chip Roy
In case you haven’t heard, Congressman (CD21) Chip Roy is being challenged by Wendy Davis, one of the most hard core progressives you can imagine.  Davis is the complete reverse of the principles that Roy epitomizes.  The...
The Texas Heartbeat Act was signed into law, Wednesday, May 19, 2021 and goes into effect on September 1, 2021. The signature of the governor was still wet when the Democrats came out with their statement:
I have heard Sara Palin speak for prolife in person before, but this time there was this “real wisdom” about her.
I issued the following statement Wednesday after signing a discharge petition for a House vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would mandate proper medical assistance be provided for children who...
Texas heartbeat bill
Texas State Senator Bryan Hughes is making a major move next week. It is expected that as early as Tuesday 3/9/2021, he will file SB 8 Heartbeat Bill which, if passed, would restrict abortion and protect unborn babies after...
In recent years, the Left and the mainstream media has increasingly tried to paint the pro-life movement as an anti-women movement. But this year, we have witnessed a historic number of strong, vocal, and pro-life women...
This Saturday, January 23, 2021, thousands from across the state will participate in the 2021 Texas Rally for Life — as part of the Life Caravan around the Texas Capitol in Austin and via the Livestream....
We applaud the 5th Circuit’s decision. Without question, the State of Texas should be able to exclude law-breaking organizations like Planned Parenthood from its list of providers for vulnerable, low-income women. Texas has...
We are disappointed but not surprised. This demonstrates once again that the terrible Roe v. Wade precedent is cruel and out of step with science that tells us unborn children are babies deserving of protection.
Amy Coney Barrett
Today President Trump has nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. By any description, Barrett is highly qualified for the position. She clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. She was...
Recently the Austin City Council voted to appropriate $100,000 to fund abortion access, according to the “Immediate Community Investments and Re-imagining Plan.”  This $100,000 is in addition to the $150,000 allotted in last...



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