
Texas is the only state that keeps the records of the immigration statuses of those arrested and convicted of state‐​level crimes, thus giving the public its best opportunity to study the crime rates of illegal immigrants...
Alcohol to go is now law in Texas after Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday signed a bill to permanently allow Texans to include alcohol in take-out orders from restaurants, achieving a shared goal of Abbott and restaurateurs....
I’m proud to represent a community in which many police officers, like those who participate in Operation Progress, wear their humanity like a badge of honor.
I donned a cap and gown for the first time this weekend when I delivered the keynote address at the Sul Ross State University commencement ceremony.
A $450 million plan to renovate the site has devolved into a five-year brawl over whether to focus narrowly on the 1836 battle or present a fuller view that delves into the site’s Indigenous history and the role of slavery...
I have heard Sara Palin speak for prolife in person before, but this time there was this “real wisdom” about her.
Let me be clear – not a single dollar of state revenue or taxes should go to subsidize attacks on the livelihoods of hardworking Texans by leftist corporate boards or universities.
A Texas Senate committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on the bill on Tuesday.
Gary O’Connor’s comment against Senator Tim Scott is abhorrent, insulting, and unforgivable. Both he and the entire Lamar County Democratic Party should be ashamed of this racist behavior. O’Connor must apologize and step...
The HB 803 hearing showed that the people of Texas want Equal Parenting. Kids are hurting and need equal access to both fit parents. Texas HB 803, the Equal Parenting Bill, deserves a timely vote out of committee for a full...
The 1115 waiver reimburses Texas hospitals for the uncompensated care provided to Texans without insurance. The waiver also pays for innovative care that often serves low-income Texans, such as mental health services.
Equal Parenting is important for kids who are hurting without equal access to both fit and loving parents. Equal Parenting is important for women to achieve true equality, and for fathers who frequently get cut out of the...
Until recently, companies that made a lot of money during the freeze have tried to keep a low profile about it. But quarterly financial reports have come due making that information harder to conceal.
If you’re new to the hobby, Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, High Island, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, and Trinity River Audubon Center are just a few of the well-known birding hot spots in the Lone Star state...
I recently met once again with the Texas Farm Bureau and some of our local farmers and ranchers at a Weatherford farm to discuss how I can continue to ensure that their voices are heard in Washington.
In Texas, HB 9 would make blocking a roadway a state jail felony if the offense also prevented the passage of an emergency vehicle or blocked a hospital entrance.
I don't take a back seat to anyone on supporting our Second Amendment right to bear arms! I have a Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) and frequently exercise my right to bear arms pretty much everywhere I go.
Only years of hard work and dedication earned these future leaders their much-deserved nominations, and I am confident they will go on to represent the best of what it means to be an American and a Texan.
Austin voters reinstated a ban on public homeless encampments, according to The Austin American-Statesman. The paper reported that 57% of voters voted in favor of reinstating the ban, and 42% voted against it. 
History books will show who stood against the last frontier of equality, and who ignored the 150 people who testified at the HB 803 hearing at the Texas Capitol April 26, 2021 in favor of HB 803, vs. only a handful of people...



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