Linda Vega

America is one of the greatest countries in history and in the world.  Let’s remember that.  Anyone stating otherwise is selling us a lie.  Anyone running a campaign on a slogan that tells us that it needs to be Great Again...
Gov. Abbott has become a familiar face in Texas politics among all groups—ethnicity--race, gender, and age. He has shown us all that his vision for Texas is one as big as his heart. This is why the majority of Texans...
"Why politics?" I am often asked, “What in the world made you decide to participate in politics?” Texas politics is well known to be a tumble-and-rumble sport. It is one of the most gruesome, unforgiving,...
Is the Texas HB2 Bill (formerly SB5) about stopping the availability, access, or choice of women to have a pregnancy termination, or is it about the safety for women and their health when terminating the pregnancy?It has...
When Texas voted in this last election, no one did an exit poll; perhaps because it would have shown that Latinos voted for the Democrats in larger numbers than we Republicans wanted to acknowledge. The fear that Texas is...
I am often asked, why do you place yourself in a group, and box yourself in when you should assimilate into America. The answer is twofold. First, because of government categorization, Latinos have to select a box that...
When many ask, “Why can’t ‘they’ wait in line like everyone else?” I don’t think that they know the history of Mexicans in the U.S. Or if they do, they don’t bother to understand how it is on the verge of repeating itself...
Obama was right, a change is coming. That change is expected to gradually overtake the Southwest in the next 20 years. Political strategists can foresee this change and are advising us to brace for it because it will change...
Below are the Republican candidates that Latinos Ready To Vote! (LRTV), endorses. These candidates have been working hard to reach out to Latinos in Texas. They each have addressed issues that are important to Latinos...
Being an American citizen is one of the most powerful manifestations of our constitutional tradition as a nation and as a government. These constitutional rights and obligations reserved strictly for citizens have made man...
The majority of my clients are women. The majority of the cases we hear are about abuse and human rights issues, and although I would like to refer the case or turn it down, I can’t. “Help as many as you can,” echoes that...
Here’s a little-known fact: There’s not a single female Hispanic Republican in the Texas Legislature. The state hasn’t elected a Republican Latina to Congress either.This is alarming, considering that 50 percent of Texas’ 26...
Earlier this year the Obama Administration announced that ACA – “ObamaCare” – would not be fully implemented because its complexities and uncertainties were causing great confusion. Instead, the business mandate will be...
On April 4, 2013, The Baker Institute hosted a Conference: Immigration Reform: A system for the 21st Century. It was a forum where U.S. immigration experts, key public policy and political figures discussed the specifics of...
It is difficult to fathom why in 2013 some faux conservative researchers at the Center for Immigration studies (CIS) still make use of eugenic fallacies to paint Mexican immigrants as genetically inferior. Perhaps it is...
The number is unclear, but it appears that there are about 11 Million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. Of them, 70% are Latinos. It is further unclear as to how many of them became undocumented, and to many it...
Last night at the Intercontinental Hotel, Dewhurst supporters gathered. Many were long time friends or family members, and then there was the overflow of youth. Each one had volunteered a few hours for the campaign...
AMENDMENT ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people...
How is it that President Obama looks the other way when asked how he has helped to create any policies that will help the Latino Community? Or rather he does not shun the questions, he merely laughs and says that he has 5...
Now that Republicans have formed a proposal for the young undocumented students in the U.S., the Democrats are crying foul. Democrats, et. al are “infuriated” because it is a plan based on an economic and responsible means...



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