Fighting for Election Integrity, President Trump makes "Most Important Speech Ever"

President Trump is fighting for the survival of America. Its existence is dependent on the integrity of our elections.

President Trump is calling for investigations into hundreds of incidents of election fraud and illegal voting. If you have not heard his recent speech but are curious, click this link: the most important speech.

“As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States.That is why I am determined to protect our election system… If we don’t root out the fraud… we don’t have a country anymore. So with the resolve and support of the American people, we will restore honesty and integrity to our elections. We will restore trust in our system of government.”

Amen to that!

President Trump has every right to go to court, investigate claims of fraud, and contest results. I agree with Senator John Kennedy of our neighboring state Louisiana who said President Trump’s calls to investigate claims of election fraud actually “elevate” democracy and do not “degrade” it as some say.

America, is at a crossroads right now. This election was rigged! Our Supreme Court Justices will have an opportunity to fix it, or they ignore it and let America go down the river!

I pray that all substantial claims of fraud are adequately investigated, and that our courts will issue fair and just rulings. I pray God helps us to restore and uphold the integrity of our elections, and that He will give us clarity to come together as one nation and accept the rightful results.

God bless you, and may He allow truth and justice to prevail over lies and fraud.


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