Pete Sessions

As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Co-Chair of the DOGE Caucus, Congressman Sessions is committed to preventing government agencies from wasteful spending on non-monetized or unqualified factors...
As the midterm elections wrap up, it is clear that Democrats gained majority control of the US House and Republicans increased their majority control in the US Senate. What does this bode for passing real solutions for...
After President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court, Congressmen Kevin Brady, Lamar Smith, and Pete Sessions released the following statements.
Peggy Fikac once again proves that she’s not a reporter, and most certainly not anything like a fair and balanced media representative.From the Houston Chronicle’s coverage of events in Austin, today:“Obamacare is the wrong...
Majorities rise and fall by the will of the people, and this new Republican Congress is sworn in under the American people’s message to lead with accountability – not a mandate. I’m very proud that 87 new Republican Members...
National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chairman U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman U.S.
A group of House Republicans led by Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27) introduced the Dignity Act, an immigration reform bill they say will end illegal immigration, reestablish law and order, provide a solution for...
This bill will help address the looming water crisis facing North Texas and provide certainty to Texas’ water supply.
Texas will be sending 25 Republicans and two very powerful Senators to the 114th Congress which is set to kick-off in January, 2015. Key committee chairmanships for six of those House Republicans will give Texas control of...
Tuesday was an incredible day for Texas Republicans attending the party’s national convention in Tampa, Florida. Texas’ newly elected U.S. Senate Candidate Ted Cruz delivered a spectacular keynote speech--without using a...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) just announced that Republican Candidate for Texas Congressional District 30 Stephen Broden is officially "on the radar" and moving toward "Young Gun" status.“The NRCC...

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