Foreign Affairs

Sometimes it takes a sudden, flagrant breach of the international order to dispel a president’s naïveté about a foreign adversary. The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan had that effect on President Carter. One can only...
The Ukrainian people—like all people across the globe—deserve to choose their own government, and determine their own future. Russia’s escalating intervention in Ukraine is an insult to Ukraine’s sovereignty and to the...
HOUSTON, TEXAS--Governor Rick Perry claimed another victory in the state to state competition for job growth by luring the Australian Queensland Government to open a North American Trade and Investment Office in Houston. In...
Vladimir Putin invaded Georgia. Now, the Russian bear is after Ukraine.Ukraine is almost totally dependent on Russia for energy. Russian imperialism has proven that it is willing to use gas as a political and economic weapon...
The situation unfolding in Ukraine right now is a harsh lesson that no matter how great the victory, we must never rest on our laurels. After the United States won the Cold War and the Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991,...
In tonight’s State of the Union Address, President Obama will no doubt make an eloquent case for his second-term agenda. There’s just one problem: The President’s credibility has been shattered.Indeed, on issue after issue,...
Today I presented five questions Americans deserve to have answered by President Obama in next week’s State of the Union address.Americans all over the nation are asking questions about the economy, Obamacare, the IRS,...
As we begin 2014, it's worth reflecting on where we stand in our fight against al-Qaida and global terrorism.Over the past year, in my role as chairman of the Terrorism Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I'...
The new tower built around the 9/11 memorial is a reminder of American ingenuity and American resolve as a new and bigger tower is built on the real estate where the original towers were brought down. Consider the tower New...
Nelson Mandela will prove to be one of the great statesmen of the 20th century, a true revolutionary who spent much of his adult life in prison before leading a nation back to redemption. Much of the revolutionaries of the...
Four Republican senators joined me in sending a letter to Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid providing notification they will support an objection to the Ukrainian aid package unless a vote is held to strip out language...
I’m deeply troubled by reports that convicted 9/11 terrorist Mohammed Haydar Zammar has been set free in Syria. Zammar was being held by the Assad regime while serving a 12-year sentence. Recently, it seems that Zammar was...
"We eat all we can and we sell the rest.'' That is the slogan for the Blue Bell Creameries in Brenham, Texas, that makes the best ice cream in the world. With the U.S. overabundance of natural gas, especially in Texas, that...
Recent attention on Iran has focused on its nuclear weapons program--but this is not the whole picture.Iran is also the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism.Using both its own military operatives and its proxy...
Today, as Chairman of the Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade Subcommittee on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I joined my colleagues Rep. Mike Rogers and Rep. Joe Heck in sending a letter to the Administration...
I am calling on President Obama to hold himself and his administration accountable for the preventable attacks on the U.S. foreign post in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 where four Americans – Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty,...
As the Sun rises each morning in Africa, Angelina gathers water for her family. But the community water well in Muyayano, Malawi, is broken most every day. So she and other women like her are forced to go 10 miles to fetch...
Camp Liberty in Iraq once again came under attack yesterday when dozens of missiles rained down over the camp, killing at least two and severely injuring at least fifty others. It is no coincidence that this attack came...
As we're nearing the new year, what do you think has been the biggest government scandal of 2013? Is it the NSA spying on Americans? What about the DOJ targeting reporters? Or how about the Benghazi cover-up? But don't...
The secret nuke deal with Iran over Thanksgiving is "alarming, sayeth the Saudi prince.Prime Minister (Neville) Chamberlain would have been proud after the West gave the snake oil salesman of the desert, Mr. Rouhani, exactly...



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