
Detroit Falls Victim to Super Massive Blue Hole - Will Houston be Far Behind?

Super Massive Blue Hole of Democrat Led CitiesIn 2011, Debbie Georgatos coined the phrase "Super Massive Blue Hole" to define the effect on cities that are controlled over long periods of time by liberal Democrat governments and policies.  She named Detroit as the poster child of this effect. The phrase drew high-profile criticism from liberal news commentators Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper. It now appears her thoughts have become reality as Detroit recently became the largest city in our nation to file for debt relief under federal bankruptcy laws. Read more about Detroit Falls Victim to Super Massive Blue Hole - Will Houston be Far Behind?

Why Texas Matters


Erica Grieder's book Big, Hot, Cheap and Right: What America Can Learn From the Strange Genius of Texas lays out an interesting case for why the Texas miracle of this young century is worth looking at.

Ms. Grieder's story digs deeper than just the past decade or the Perry era, deep into Texas history, showing that Perry's success goes beyond just his own policy.  The first aspect that she discusses is Texas history, in which limited government became ingrained in most Texans DNA. From the beginning of the Texas story, most Texans were governed by incompetency.  During rule under Mexican dictator Santa Anna, Texas's brief history with the confederacy and reconstruction after the Civil War, Texans saw government at its worst.  Ms. Grieder makes the point that many Texans found themselves depending upon each other as opposed to a central government, and when given a chance to write their constitution, they

GOP Rep. Sarah Davis Op-Ed BLASTS Texas Republicans for Opposing Abortion


GOP Texas State Representative Sarah Davis has slammed Republicans in a Houston Chronicle Op-Ed. Davis says Republicans should not be passing abortion restrictions because it is "not the role of the government" and "the Republican Party should not dictate to women" whether or not they can have the choice to have an abortion (which we know means the choice to kill millions of unborn babies) That, she says, should be decided by a woman and her doctor.

This Op-Ed seems to be a response to the backlash Davis has seen after a recent article that I wrote asking the Texas GOP to follow the wishes of the Texas Republican Platform and NOT give Party money to pro-abortion candidates like Sarah Davis. Many in the Texas GOP were tricked by Davis into believing

America 3.0


James Bennett and Michael Lotus in their book, America 3.0, see the end of the Bureaucratic State, or what they call the end of America 2.0, and return to a smaller and more decentralized America 3.0. Bennett and Lotus begin with a brief history of how we got to where we are at presently as we moved from being an agricultural America 1.0 to an industrial America 2.0.

Bennett and Lotus do something different, they

National Security vs. Personal Privacy: Pushing the Administration for Answers on NSA Spying


This Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee, we held a hearing with government officials from the DOJ, NSA, and FBI to investigate the Administration’s collecting of personal phone records and other data. According to an unscientific survey I conducted in a recent newsletter92% of respondents believe the NSA's tracking of our phone records violates the 4th Amendment and our right to personal privacy. I’m with the 92%. In my opinion,

Red Light Camera Slayer Michael Kubosh Seeks Houston Council Position


Kubosh Speaks to ReportersTexas has entered the political 'silly season.'  If you're a NASCAR fan, you know what I'm talking about — the time when drivers and sponsors jump around from car to car.  All around us, current officeholders are deciding to either 'hang it up' or 'step it up.'  Governor Perry announced that he'll 'hang it up' as our Governor instead of seeking reelection in 2014.  Now come Tom Pauken and Attorney General Greg Abbott both looking to 'step it up' and make an attempt to be the new Governor of Texas. Meanwhile,

Cornyn: Labor Leaders Feeling Obamacare Buyer’s Remorse


Cornyn-speech-13-07-19I spoke on the Senate floor today on the disappointment felt by many Obamacare supporters, and invited President Obama to work together on creating workable alternatives to the failed health care law.

The full speech can be seen here and excerpts of my remarks are below:

Slate: Facts Show Zimmerman Not Racist

In a remarkably well-researched piece titled “You Are Not Trayvon Martin,” Slate’s William Saletan challenged several fallacies influencing perceptions and reactions to the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The piece was not favorable to Zimmerman or Martin, but rather only concerned with the facts after what was clearly an exhaustive look into the evidence in the case.

Perhaps the widest held misconception addressed by the Slate piece

Cornyn: President Threatens to Veto His Own Proposal


Cornyn's Speech on the House floorWASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) addressed the unraveling of Obamacare on the Senate floor today and called on President Obama to support the rule of law by applying the same rules for all Americans, not waivers and exceptions for some.

The full speech can be seen here and excerpts of his remarks are below:

“The House of Representatives, we know, has drafted a bill that would codify the employer mandate delay that the Administration announced earlier this month. In other words, they

Mozilla’s “Privacy” Quandry and “Nanny” Response


I believe in privacy. In this digital age I treasure privacy but freely admit I have offered too much personal information online. It’s nearly unavoidable. In light of the recent NSA and IRS scandals, I whole-heartedly believe we should continue to revisit the issue of what “privacy” really means in modern America.

Mozilla’s proposed “cookie clearinghouse” update to its Firefox browser has been touted by the company as privacy issue. If you’ve been following my reporting


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