
Thinking Differently About Guns


As I wrote in a previous article, no law presently being proposed would have prevented the tragedy at Newtown, but the question that remains is if laws were incapable of preventing the Newtown shooting, what can? Let's make one thing clear, there will be future massacres just as there were massacres in the past. There are steps that can be taken to minimize damage done and save lives. They are the unexpected and don’t require further restrictions of our rights but founded in common sense. Read more about Thinking Differently About Guns

Chairman Turner Statement on FY13 NDAA Conference Report


As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, I released the following statement as the FY13 National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report was signed by conferees:

Throughout this Congress, my subcommittee has highlighted the need for increased missile defense for the homeland. In spite of the concerns raised by my subcommittee, and the full House Armed Services Committee, the Administration has continuously cut funding to counter the threat of ballistic missile attack on the United States. The planning and study for an additional U.S. missile defense

God With Us, Even Before Birth


14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. [Isaiah 7:14, NKJV]

Most of you are familiar with this passage from Isaiah, written hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, prophesying the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read more about God With Us, Even Before Birth

Holder's DOJ Blocks Texas ISD Election because More Whites than Blacks Voted


Eric Holder's Department of Justice Opposes a Beaumont Texas School District Election because too many white people voted and tries to block election using Voting Rights Act.

Beaumont, TX is a city where the majority of the residents are minorities. Beaumont ISD has a majority of school board members who are minorities. Minorities are WELL represented in this city and in this school district. Read more about Holder's DOJ Blocks Texas ISD Election because More Whites than Blacks Voted

What's Going On With The Fiscal Cliff?

As Congressional leaders and President Obama continue to work on a plan to avert the fiscal cliff, I remain committed to a solution that protects as many families and small businesses in Texas as possible from seeing an automatic tax increase on January 1. Additionally, I believe it is imperative that we take serious steps towards reducing our nation’s unsustainable spending and address the long-term drivers of our debt. Read more about What's Going On With The Fiscal Cliff?

Cornyn Proposal to Fight VA Backlog Using Texas Model Passes Congress


My proposal to fight the growing backlog of disability claims within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) using a new Texas initiative as a national model passed both the House and the Senate this week as part of the final Defense Authorization bill that will now be sent to the President to be signed into law.

The massive backlog of VA disability claims reminds us that far too many veterans are being underserved. This is a national disgrace, and veterans with pending claims deserve more than just rhetoric from VA headquarters in Washington. Read more about Cornyn Proposal to Fight VA Backlog Using Texas Model Passes Congress

Climate Science - What is Truth?


Three years ago, Climategate exposed the weakness of climate science presented to the public. One major thesis promoted by many within the "humanity is primarily responsible for climate change" crowd is that there were no major changes in climate until the second half of this century became discredited after the release of those emails. Since Climategate, it became okay to challenge the conventional wisdom that our present climate change is strictly manmade. Read more about Climate Science - What is Truth?

NRA's Wayne LaPierre - Press Conference on Sandy Hook Shooting


No Gun Free Zones in SchoolsThe National Rife Association has remained respectfully silent for the past week since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Today, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre spoke out with the NRA's thoughts on what we, as a nation, can do TODAY to protect our children. The hysteria from the left is doing nothing to make our children any safer today. The absence of guns in schools does nothing to make our children safer.  The NRA is calling for action that can and will make our children safer and it can be done today!  Put armed police officers in every school in America!  No more Gun Free Zones! Read more about NRA's Wayne LaPierre - Press Conference on Sandy Hook Shooting

Piers Morgan Reduced to Name Calling in Gun Control Debate


In case you haven’t seen this yet, here’s CNN’s Piers Morgan interviewing my friend Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America. Morgan behaves like a child, using the words “stupid” and “idiot” to refer to his guest, and Pratt keeps his cool. Morgan is totally outclassed, though that itself isn’t much of a feat, I suppose. Read more about Piers Morgan Reduced to Name Calling in Gun Control Debate

Irrational Manipulation!


“What is the gun community going to do about this tragedy? I dunno, what is the gay community going to do about Penn State?”- From Ann Althouse's blog and Instapundit

Ms. Althouse's point was that the gun community or the NRA are no more responsible for what happened in Newtown than the gay community should be held responsible for Jerry Sandusky's abuse of boys. If someone would have argued that gay people or a gay lifestyle were responsible for what Jerry Sandusky did while coaching at Penn State, they would be considered repugnant and rightly so. So why should the NRA be held responsible for the multiple deaths instituted by a man affected by severe mental illness? Read more about Irrational Manipulation!


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