
Debra Medina and the race for Texas governor have attained international attention. The British newspaper, Guardian, released an article today likening GOP gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina to Sarah Palin with...
Sue Lowden has taken a substantial lead ahead of Danny Tarkanian in the GOP Primary for Nevada Senate:Candidate Percentage Sue Lowden 47% Danny Tarkanian 29% 
Dean Murray, Tea Party activist, has been elected to the New York state assembly!According to Fox News:
Facebook has been looking for a city to open a new office, and Rick Perry has offered $1.4 million in incentives to Facebook to open its new office in Austin, Texas.
Today is the last day of early voting for the Texas Gubernatorial Primary Election. Turnout for primaries is difficult to project, but among those who say they have already voted, here are the results: 
This comment was sent in from TexasGOPVote fan, Mary Weeks, in response to the post, "Will Crypto-Libertarianism Doom the Republican Party?"
Obama held a bipartisan health care summit Thursday, February 25th. TexasGOPVote has aggregated interesting links and topics below:TexasGOPVote (video): GOP House Leader Answers Questions on Health Care
A virtual Texas Gubernatorial debate between Kay Bailey Hutchison, Debra Medina, and Rick Perry was recently posted online by a coalition of grassroots movements from across the state of Texas called the Common Sense
Michele Bachmann was a guest on the "Laura Ingraham Show" recently and discussed the Declaration of Health Care Independence:“The Declaration of Health Care Independence is a commitment to protect the rights of the American...
The movie "Generation Zero" is a wake-up call for Americans who value their freedom. What we do now, at this moment in history, is as consequential and immediately relevant to our lives as was the American Revolution, the U...
The following was sent in by a TexasGOPVote fan regarding the article, "In-Justice! Furor over O's 'Gitmo' appointees," which discusses the disclosure that nine of Obama's Justice Department appointees have previously...
Republican Mark Kirk and Democrat Alexi Giannoulias have won their primary elections and will be vying one-on-one for the senate seat that was once occupied by President Obama.
White House Social Staff Secretary and Chicago celebutante Desiree Rogers has announced she will leave her post next month. Ms.
The most recent Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely Texas GOP voters shows:
Republican House Leader John Boehner answers questions submitted by the you tube community regarding health care reform and yesterdays bipartisan health care summit.
British member of the European parliament (and frequent Fox News guest) Daniel Hannan will be the keynote speaker at a tea party protest to be held in Brighton Saturday. That's right- Brighton, ENGLAND!
Obama and McCain got in a heated exchange today at the bipartisan health care summit. McCain questions Obama over the lack of the promised public health care negotiations by President Obama during his campaign. Obama decides...
Sean Hannity devoted an entire hour to focus on the new film, "Generation Zero." This movie has raised some controversy as it completely refutes the popular notion that massive deregulation and failed capitalism caused the...
TexasGOPVote attended the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that was held Thursday, February 18th through Saturday, February 20th. This year's theme was "Saving Freedom." View the live updates from the...
The Dallas Tea Party is holding a Birthday celebration/protest this Saturday, February 27th, and MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has been invited. The invitation was prompted after Olbermann called out Tea Party members for racial...



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