
Here is a video to remind you once again of all the lies Obama made during his campaign trail and presidency thus far. He tricked us and deceived us to get into office, he tricked us and deceived us to get the stimulus...
Eleven out of the twelve Texas Democrat U.S. Representatives sold out Texas and the rest of the United States by voting for the health care bill! Now it is up to Texas to vote them out of office! Below is the list of Texas...
Although the health care (HR 3590) passed 219 to 212, 34 Democrats voted FOR the American people and AGAINST the health care reform bill. Below is a list of 34 Democrat Representatives that did not give in to the Pelosi/...
Rep. Stupak made a deal with the White House earlier, and will be voting for the health care reform bill. Before the final vote started, John Boehner once again requested that every representative cast their vote one by one...
TexasGOPVote is attending day 2 of Code Red Kill the Bill Rally will keep you updated with news and pictures from the event! Check here for the House's health care bill voting schedule.ACTION NEEDED: Call Stupak's office and...
After massive crowd of tens of thousands of concerned citizens participated in the Code Red Rally to kill the health care bill, thousands converged in front of the Capitol to make their voices heard.
March For America is a protest taking place Sunday, March 21st in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this protest is to demand that Obama and Congress keep their promise to enact immigration reform legislation. TexasGOPVote...
Code Red Kill Bill Rally Continues Sunday March 21 Capitol Hill Washington DCLive blog from Saturday, March 20, is below:
Pelosi wants the House to make a momentous vote Sunday on the health care reform bill. Rep. Steve King and actor Jon Voight are asking freedom-loving citizens to come to D.C. tomorrow for one final attempt to kill the bill...
“Baby killer” was yelled on the House floor Sunday night as Representative Bart Stupak (MI) discussed abortion-related aspects of the health care legislation.
The following message was sent in from a TexasGOPVote reader:
Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak says he will vote for the health care bill after coming to an agreement on abortion language. Obama will sign an executive order re-enforcing the ban on the federal funding for abortion.
11:00 (EST): A sunny day in Washington, DC today. There are 50,000 people expected to attend the March for America at the National Mall today.1:30 (EST): Thousands of marchers from across the United States ascend upon the...
Rep. Steve King addressed a large crowd of concerned citizens this evening from the steps of Capitol Hill and said that their voice was heard inside of the Capitol Building!
Outrage! American citizens who want to talk to their congressional representatives are blocked access to their offices!
Obama and Pelosi have made even more backroom deals in exchange for a "yes" vote to government-run, socialized health care! When will the madness stop?!
Pelosi plans to have the House vote on the health care reform bill THIS Sunday!!On Thursday, President Barack Obama canceled his Asia trip, which had been scheduled to start Sunday, so he could make a last-minute push for...
Despite a personal plea from President Obama, Representative Chet Edwards has just announced that he will be voting against the health care reform bill!



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