
Remember how the Democrats won over Senator Bill Nelson's vote for health care reform back in December by allowing Florida Medicare recipients signed on to Medicare Advantage to stay in the program, while retirees on...
The Pelosi Democrats are locking Texas out of the health care bill negotiations. Will Texas Democrats side with Pelosi or with the people of Texas?According to the Republican Party of Texas:
The following message was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas:
The following is a press release sent in from the Republican Party of Texas:AUSTIN — Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White on Monday refused to release his complete tax records. White’s withholding of information that...
Lou Dobbs was on The O'Reilly Factor last night to discuss illegal immigration and the Senate's proposed national identification card. The major points include:
Governor Rick Perry has released his personal tax returns along with the state financial disclosure statements; however, while Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White has released the city of Houston financial disclosure...
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says the Republican Party has hijacked the tea party movement for its own gain. She even went as far as to say that the tea party movement shares common ground with the Democrats! According...
In hopes of diffusing the country's debt crisis, the Greek Parliament just approved new spending cuts and taxes, prompting 7,000 protestors to gather in Athens today.According to London Today:Protesters attacked the...
Obama is currently addressing a few hundred about health care reform in the East Room of the White House.
Results for the 15th Congressional District of Texas Republican Primary are: Candidate Percentage Daniel Garza                        25.6% Paul B. Haring  41.8% Edward Zamora  32.5% 
Tension was high in the capital yesterday as there was a huge health care reform protest in Washington, D.C. with intent to let Congress know that Americans wants to "Kill the Bill!"
The following comment was sent in from a TexasGOPVote.com reader regarding Fernando Trevino's post, "Why I Support Quico For TX-23 U.S. Representative."
Just last year, celebutante and former White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers was all the glamor and abuzz.
HR 3590: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama March 23, 2010. This health care reform bill passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 219 Yes and 212 No. Not one...
Obama still does not have the numbers to pass the health care reform bill in the House. The president has decided to shift his strategy, and instead of focusing on running against Republicans, he is running against the...
The following letter was sent in from TexasGOPVote fan, Brad Boney, regarding China Radio International broadcasting in Texas:Recently, owners of KGBC (1540am) in Galveston, TX leased the station’s airtime to one of China’s...
In the most recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Texas voters, Republican candidate for Texas governor Rick Perry has a 6 point lead over Democratic candidate Bill White.The gap between Perry and White is narrowing as...
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, high ranking Republicans are starting to tone down harsh rhetoric toward immigration and trying to recruit more Latino candidates in "response to the party's soul-...
House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel announced this morning that he has stepped down from his position temporarily. Rangels leadership has come into question from both Republicans and Democrats.
Results for the 30th Congressional District of Texas Primary are: Candidate Percentage Stephen Broden          49.50% Sheldon Goldstein     37.79% Charles Lingerfelt  12.69%



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