
"Generation Zero," was featured during the Citizens United Film Festival at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference 2010. "Generation Zero" gives an inside look into the financial meltdown of September 18, 2008....
Glenn Beck gave an outstanding closing speech at CPAC 2010. He even brought his blackboard with him! View the entire speech below:   
Ann Coulter held nothing back at CPAC 2010 today. Here are some highlights:"...and the polar bears are trying to mate with Al Gore.""Obama is one of the least dangerous people with the name Hussein""I might agree with health...
Ron Paul really fired up the audience today at CPAC 2010, especially garnering a loud cheer from the student section. Ron Paul started his speech saying Obama was able to win the election with change, but Obama's change was...
"Breaking news: the gold medal that was given to Lindsey Vonn has been stripped. It has been determined that Obama is going downhill faster than she is," Mitt Romney joked as he came onto the stage at Conservative Political...
Michele Bachmann (R-MN) started her speech today at CPAC 2010 discussing the power of persuasion. She told a story of how her son in medical school is working on persuading his liberal roommate from San Francisco to become a...
Tim Pawlenty, one of the only Conservatives from Minnesota spoke at the 2010 CPAC event. He reminded us that last year, at CPAC 2009, the pundits were predicting that America was entering an era of 20-30 years of liberalism...
Everyone knew Liz Cheney was going to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2010, but no one knew her father was going to show up! Liz Cheney closed her speech saying she often speaks of her father,...
Adryana Boyne, National Director of VOCES Action, was interviewed by TexasGOPVote. VOCES stands for “Voices Offering Conservative Empowering Solutions.” VOCES Action is aimed at communicating conservative values within and...
South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint spoke this morning at CPAC 2010. He is the only senator to have a conservative rating of 100%. He spoke a lot about the Constitution and explained that the original idea behind the...
Watch this compilation of clips all about the global warming scheme! Theres much evidence against global warming, including fraud charges toward Al Gore, yet Obama and some other left-wingers are still trying to push this...
The results of the CPAC straw poll were announced tonight. Ron Paul came in first with 31% of the vote. Although, half of the voters wished there were better Republican contenders to choose from. About 2,500 people voted....
For the week ending Feb. 13 initial claims on the national level rose to 473,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 442,000. Bloomberg’s Bob Willis reports:
At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) today, there was a segment to recognize student conservative activists. When Ryan Sobra of the California Young Americans for Freedom organization went up to speak...
John Ashcroft, once holding such positions as U.S. attorney General, U.S. Senator, and Governor of Missouri spoke at CPAC 2010 giving his insights on security, freedom, and how the two relate.He started of by saying, "In...
Texas's own, three time elected official of the Texas Railroad Commission, and Voice of the previous Voice of the Texas GOP feature gave a well-received speech today at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Eric Cantor (R-VA) started off this session saying,"In matters of style, swim with the tide, in matters of principles, stand like a rock."Cantor stated that most federal employees are protected by unions and
Adryana Boyne, National Director of VOCES Action, was interviewed by TexasGOPVote. VOCESstands for “Voices Offering Conservative Empowering Solutions.” VOCES Action is aimed at communicating conservative values within and...
The Rise of Latino Conservatism was a session at the Conservative Political Action Conference sponsored by the American Principles Project and featured speakers Alfonso Aguilar, Grover Norquist, Karyme Lozano, and Mario...
David Keene, the Chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU) since 1984, was the first person to speak at the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this morning. Keene stressed that it's not about...



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