Holding the EPA Accountable

With the goals of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and good representation of TX19, I’ve supported the Secret Science Reform Act of 2014 for the past nine months as a cosponsor. I voted for its passage through the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee in June, and now the entire House of Representatives will get a chance to vote for it when it comes to the floor this week.

It’s a common-sense bill. It requires the EPA to share the data it uses to legitimize regulations. It holds the EPA accountable – making sure they have to use fair and accurate science before they burden the American people with unnecessary hoops to jump through. It will stop the current inefficient

Beware of the Federal Food Police


The Federal food police now control what American children are permitted to eat in public schools. The First Lady has said, "We just can't leave it up to the parents.''

Several things are wrong about this totalitarian control of children. Kids say the portions are so small or the food is so

A Plan for the New Majority

I’m excited at the prospects for the next two years. The recent election has brought about a historic change in Washington, increasing our Republican majority in the House and creating a new Republican majority in the Senate. With these majorities we’ll be able to place legislation on the President’s desk which will put American’s back to work, increase energy production, take care of our veterans, end Obamacare, and secure our border. Read more about A Plan for the New Majority

Obama's plan for executive order on immigration reflects reality

The following article is authored by Stan Marek and originally posted in the Houston Chronicle.

Now that the election is over, political news has quickly become dominated by the impending immigration showdown between President Barack Obama and the Republicans on Capitol Hill. In my opinion as an employer, the president's intent to use an executive order to extend legal status to millions of

Americans Too "Stupid" To Understand Obamacare?


A poll from Rasmussen reports says a third of Americans agree with Jonathan Gruber that Americans aren’t capable of understanding Obamacare. It's true that most Americans are too occupied or distracted to even begin to calculate the pros and cons and the destructive abridgment of liberty that is Obamacare. But I'm not saying as Gruber meant that the American people are stupid.

Rep. Smith Issues Subpoena to Uncover White House’s Role in Faulty HealthCare.gov Security


As chairman of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I have repeatedly sought answers from the White House regarding the security of the ObamaCare website, Healthcare.gov. The Obama administration has failed to provide this Committee with information.

In fact, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park, a top Assistant to President Obama, has refused on five different occasions to testify before the Science Committee about the

President Obama and Senate Democrats have imposed unnecessary burdens and roadblocks that have delayed approval of shovel-ready jobs project


While the House of Representatives has worked tirelessly to advance the Keystone XL Pipeline over the last four years, President Obama and Senate Democrats have imposed unnecessary burdens and roadblocks at every turn that have delayed approval of this shovel-ready jobs project. Read more about President Obama and Senate Democrats have imposed unnecessary burdens and roadblocks that have delayed approval of shovel-ready jobs project

House Approves Keystone XL Pipeline

The Keystone Pipeline project has sat awaiting approval for six years. It took less time to win World War II than it has for the Administration to approve the pipeline. The pipeline from Canada to Southeast Texas would bring in almost as much oil as America gets from Saudi Arabia. It would create at least 100,000 jobs in its lifetime, including 20,000 immediate construction and manufacturing jobs. Pipelines are proven to be an environmentally safe way to transport energy. This project should be a no-brainer for America, but sadly it has been continually delayed due to

Gov-Elect Abbott Names Cameron County Judge as Next Texas Secretary of State


Governor-Elect Greg Abbott named Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos to be the next Secretary of State for Texas. Cascos will replace the current Secretary of State, Nandita Berry who was appointed to the position earlier this year by Governor Rick Perry. The announcement of the appointment came Tuesday morning during a meeting in Brownsville, which is the county seat of Cameron County. Read more about Gov-Elect Abbott Names Cameron County Judge as Next Texas Secretary of State

President Obama is Standing in the Way of 40,000 Keystone Jobs

After the House approved it today, the president is the only one standing in the way of the Keystone XL pipeline and 40,000 new energy jobs. After six long years of thorough review – including hearings held by the House Science Committee – we know that this pipeline will enhance our energy independence with minimal impact to the environment.


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