The issue of immigration handed Donald Trump the Republican nomination. His style of communication, emphasis on the issue, and seemingly simple solutions courted, converted, or imported a core group of GOP voters to support...
Law enforcement and veterans’ service organizations in San Antonio have made great strides toward this goal, and it’s time to replicate their success across Texas and the nation.
Wayne Christian has had a challenging campaign for Rail Road Commissioner. He made the May 24 Run-Off and beat out Houston real estate tycoon Gary Gates in a tight race. Gates outspent Christian 10 to 1 on promoting his...
Early voting for the 2016 presidential election began in Texas on Monday. In addition to the state’s 38 electoral votes for President of the United States, state and county officials are vying for your votes.
Last week, I welcomed members of the Army Aviation Association of America to Corpus Christi for the 12th Luther Jones Army Aviation Summit. The Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) plays an integral role in Army aviation and the...
Never once did we have to kill that child in order to save mom’s life. In other words, ending the pregnancy by delivering the baby is sufficient to save the mother. Killing the child does not improve maternal survival. To...
As long as terrorists and criminals use 21st Century technology to do us harm, relying on 20th Century technology to stop them just won’t cut it.
I can’t find the remote, so I’m stuck listening to ABC News commentators who are fainting on air over Donald Trump’s refusal to commit to accepting the results of the election.
Donald Trump, the Manhattan billionaire turned reality TV star turned Republican presidential nominee, is limping into this old gambling town battered, bruised and enduring a public shellacking like nothing he’s experienced...
Texas veterans are on the front lines of keeping our country safe, but too often our men and women in uniform are not given the care and benefits they deserve.
US military officials expect that senior leaders of ISIS may try to flee Mosul, the capital of ISIS' self-styled caliphate in Iraq, as their control of the city comes under attack from Iraqi forces, backed by the US.
A School Choice Rally was held at Holy Cross Catholic High School in San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday October 18, 2016. The main speakers were Daniel Garza, Executive Director of the Libre Initiative, who sponsored the event,...
One of the largest conservative grassroots groups in the state, the Texas Federation of Republican Women, has now come out in favor of the disclosure of contributors to politically active nonprofits. And the move by the...
British Prime Minister Theresa May tried to persuade the leaders of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Monday to work with her government on a common Brexit negotiating position, but the Scottish leader dismissed the...
In any legislative body, there will always be diversity, bringing together the collective experience and perspective of its members.  There have been several times when one of my colleagues has shed new...
You can learn a lot by studying the exemplary lives of those we lose. Naomi Warren's life story is worth a review. She passed away recently at the age of 96. The below are important facts that should be learned and absorbed...
No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent. – Abraham Lincoln Early Voting Starts October 24, 2016PRAY FOR AMERICA! President - Donald Trump (favor)Vice President – Mike Pence US...
This diabolical duo will work ‘Stronger - Together’ to squash our Religious Liberty.  Our Religious Liberty will go by the ways
I recently wrote a piece about the increase in guest workers and the remarkably consistent level of entries, legal and illegal, of workers and new lawful permanent residents. The main choice the U.S.
One hundred years ago this month, eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger founded the organization today known as Planned Parenthood.



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