United States

I recently issued the following statement regarding the situation involving the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government and the Government of Iraq:
I applauded EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s Monday announcement that he is ending “sue and settle” practices within the agency, and urged my colleagues in Congress to pass the Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and...
I authored the following op-ed in the San Antonio Express-News over the weekend on how the principles laid out in the Republican framework for tax reform would benefit Texans: 
As a kid, I found a common game to play (especially for boys) was ‘King of the mountain’.  The idea was that everyone would gather around a mound of dirt and one or two kids would get on top.  The objective of the game was...
Yesterday I participated in a roundtable discussion on storm recovery efforts with local community leaders in Beaumont. There, I shared my priorities for recovery, and how storm-impacted Texans can receive significant tax...
Today's repeal of the so-called Clean Power Plan marks the next crucial step in a new era of transparency based on sound science. Through several hearings and oversight of the former administration's overregulation, the...
The NRA is opening a can of worms by opening up any discussion about gun regulations. Asking the ATF to enter a review of regulations is a big mistake.
During the reign of Obama, there were several incidents which indicated his allegiance to Islam, but in 2015 he may have outdone himself.  There is apparently evidence indicating that the FBI was complicit in the Garland,...
FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as...
As the band played the latest country western song, gunfire erupted from the 32nd floor window across the street. Twenty minutes later, when the shots stopped and the smoke cleared, 59 people were murdered and over 520 were...
Unfortunately, the "merit-based" reforms Trump and his allies propose are unlikely to advance any of these aims and, if anything, will hurt American workers by slowing economic growth and eliminating jobs.
Last night I debated Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in a CNN Town Hall regarding tax reform. During the debate, I called for eliminating the estate tax, also known as death tax, as a part of tax reform.
Senate Bill 4, which was packaged and sold by Governor Greg Abbot as a means to improve the safety of Texans, will actually make Texas a more dangerous place for everyone to live.
When is the rot of politicization of everything and the spread of political correctness going to stop? We don't know about you, but I have had enough.
When I talk with constituents about what they feel is the biggest threat to our great nation, an overwhelming amount say our national debt.
Since President Trump’s administration entered office in 2017, the topic of immigration reform has been a heated point of debate.
President Trump will propose to Congress an immigration reform agenda focused on border security, interior enforcement, and the creation of a merit-based visa system, a senior White House official told reporters Sunday...
Yesterday, I, along with Reps. Kurt Schrader (D-OR), Kevin Brady (R-TX), Al Green (D-TX), filed H.R.
It’s not just the DREAMers who will be adversely affected if congress does not legislate some kind of policy to replace DACA; it’s the US economy as a whole.
Seems like the best day possible for clarity on arms in America. Skip over the matters of protection and hunting. Those things are obviously protected in the 1791 establishment of the 2nd of the Ten Amendments to The US...



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