Kevin Jackson
April 13th, 2015
Unlike Michael Brown, Akai Gurley did nothing wrong to be shot to death by a police officer. But you heard little about this tragedy. That’s because when it happened, the family of police-shooting victim Akai Gurley had a...
March 9th, 2015
In the tradition of, “It depends what the meaning of ‘is’ is,” Hillary Clinton remains under fire for her private email, and rightfully so. But the spin has been incredible.
January 2nd, 2015
There is no doubt that government has become more corrupt under Obama. Far more corrupt.Scandal after scandal, followed by cover-up after cover-up. There is little doubt to me that Obama’s administration spends more time...
December 1st, 2014
Hillary Clinton has the office closest to the door; the Democrats want her gone!The evidence mounts almost daily, as Clinton dodges the arrows (and shoes), and Elizabeth Warren continues to shoot them. The fake Indian...
November 20th, 2014
Barack Obama vowed to be for the little man, Mr. Main Street. Too bad the little man doesn’t throw $35,000 a plate fundraisers. And that is why the Average Joe suffers under Barack Obama.When it comes to wealth inequality in...
October 8th, 2014
You’d think in the time of ObamaCare, that protecting us from ourselves would be as outdated as platform shoes. But ObamaCare must now go into protection mode for itself.Furthermore, as we all know, the Left will not rest...
October 3rd, 2014
If you’ve never seen a pig ice skate, then just take a gander at ObamaCare.Obama has done about everything he can do to keep the attention off ObamaCare, but it’s time for another propaganda campaign from the Politburo.
September 8th, 2014
We’ve been hearing a lot about American Jihadists, and I contend that Obama is creating them. But THIS CLOSE!I recently asked the question of whether people believe ISIS is coming, or if ISIS is already here. Concensus was...
September 3rd, 2014
The government provides all kinds of reports, for example housing starts, unemployment, GDP, and so on, and generally the news ranges from “not too bad” to “great.”Well it’s all nonsense. You don’t need a degree in Economics...
August 18th, 2014
I don’t know what excuse Hillary Clinton will use to bug out of the presidential consideration, but she will eventually do it. It’s because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.Hillary Clinton can’t campaign. Add to this...
April 1st, 2015
I always laugh when a poll tells us the obvious, and no surprise here, as a new CNN/ORC poll shows that most Americans, 57 percent, want the next president to undo “Change we can believe in,” and go back to the America that...
January 5th, 2015
If things are going so well in Obama’s economy, why don’t we FEEL it?481 banks (and counting) have failed under Obama, and taxpayers were left holding the bag (pardon the bank robbing pun) for $71 billion of defaults. Couple...
December 22nd, 2014
We are told in America by the Left that healthcare is a human right. Then the Left trots out some failing European system to bolster their point.As with most things Left, they are disingenuous liars. Healthcare is a...
November 24th, 2014
People should be in JAIL over ObamaCare!What Gruber exposed about the “crafting” of the ObamaCare lie is, as Katie Pavlich put it recently, tantamount to a corporation lying about a product it sells.Katie rightfully said...
October 10th, 2014
In one of the most Liberal states in America, and supposed home of Barack Obama, there is no “Hakuna matata.”Two Honolulu city councilmen, Councilman Stanley Chang and Council Chairman Ernie Martin have dropped their...
October 6th, 2014
The Fed likes to report good news. Whether it’s interest rates, unemployment rates, housing start, whatever, it’s never bad news. Even when it’s bad news, the spin will be that everything is under control. The same is true...
September 23rd, 2014
The Democrats new battle cry: We need women!“We do better when we field the whole team. When women succeed, America succeeds,” Obama said at an annual forum sponsored by the Democratic National Committee.The Democrats have...
September 5th, 2014
Can you imagine the innovation that could occur if you could get drone service delivered right to you?A lost item in a cab or even better, anti-venom to some region where some unlucky traveler was bitten by a Liberal!This...
August 24th, 2014
One of my best friends is Joe the Plumber, a man made famous for daring to question Liberals’ Baby Black Jesus.Joe is a friend because he pulls no punches, makes no apologies, but mostly because he DOES WHAT HE SAYS.
August 15th, 2014
Need a job? Want to work in a vibrant environment, with lots of benefits? If you’ve been thinking about relocating to find work, Iraq is the place for you.Obama is living up to his promise, as jobs abound in Iraq. Terrorist...