Tom Donelson

When does abortion drift into infanticide and at what point does society have a right to say no to abortions? The other day, I thought of an exercise for readers to participate in. This is a theoretical exercise but the...
The country is split but is also moving left of center. I am not interested in rerunning the campaign and worrying about who is to blame for what strategy. Every campaign makes mistakes, and the campaign takes on the...
The Lena Dunham ad, comparing voting for Obama to losing one's virginity, represents truly what feminism, or I should say leftist feminism, is now about: sex. Nothing more and nothing less. Modern day feminism has now...
What does a real recovery look or should look like? Better than what we have seen over the past four years. Since 2009, we have technically been in a recovery, but as I have pointed out, this has hardly been a robust...
While much has been made of Romney's statement about the 47%, what about the various statements that Obama has made about selected voters? How about his famous bitter clinger statement about Americans who cling to God and...
Walt Disney was an entrepreneur and a visit to Disney World is proof of the entrepreneur spirit of its founder as Disney World still is the premier vacation family resort. Disney traveled to Hollywood from the Midwest with...
For those who read polls on a daily basis and see an Obama sweep coming, let me explain a few pointers about the polls you read.First, most of the polls are skewed to Obama. How, you may ask? By oversampling Democrats....
I made the case recently that we are not better off than we were four years ago. Most economists agree that we need at least 300,000 jobs created a month to significantly reduce unemployment rates and job creation, and the...
While Obama talks of being the savior of the Middle Class, Middle Class income has dropped nearly 5% during the recovery, which is double of what their income went down during the recession. Obama is not saving the Middle...
The movie 2016: Obama's America gives us insight into the real Obama in a well-produced documentary, but then when you have one of Hollywood's better film makers, Gerald Molen on board, a well-produced film should...
If someone would tell me that Romney would have received, as a percentage, almost as many votes from gay voters as Hispanics or Asian voters, I would say no way. Romney's defeat can be attributed to two things, a massive...
If you are an undecided voter, then maybe looking at the events that occurred on September 11, 2012, should be enough of a reason to say goodbye to Obama. On September 11th, the American consulate in Benghazi was attacked...
Who will win the Presidential Election? Good question, but I will make my predictions. Will Hurricane Sandy stall Romney's momentum and give the media yet another excuse not to ask President Obama about Benghazi and why the...
From the left, the mantra is that Romney tax plans represent a 5 Trillion tax cut for the wealthy. However, the mantra has now been discredited, but it won’t stop Obama from keeping the mantra going through Election Day.The...
A lowly New York Times reporter gets a document handed to him. It is a transcript of a meeting in which Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were present, in which security concerns in Libya were discussed...
The recent job report shows all the weakness of the Obama administration, a lot of style but very little substance behind the policy. On the surface, 7.8% unemployment rate and the monthly drop of .3% looks impressive since...
In a world where economic freedom is slowly being extinguished, the United States has seen a reversal in both the competitiveness and the loss of economic freedom over the past decade. This loss in both areas has resulted...
If there is a candidate who represents the modern day Democratic Party, that would be Elizabeth Warren. The blonde hair, blue eyes Swedish looking 1/32nd part Cherokee Indian neo-socialist and Senatorial candidate for the...
To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen's famous retort to Dan Quayle in the 1988 Vice Presidential debate, Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. There were three parts to the Bill Clinton Administration. The first part was Clinton going...
Here is a thought. Suppose I was to say a political party candidate has imitated the Communist Chinese abortion policy by allowing sex selection abortions? Would you say that party candidate is an extremist? What if I was...



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