Tom Donelson

Who would have thought that Medicare as an issue could possibly benefit Republicans? Conventional wisdom was that picking Paul Ryan would force Romney to defend Ryan's budget and Ryan’s Medicare reform, but the issue works...
Paul Ryan's selection as Vice President signals the changing of the guard in so many ways. Ryan's expertise on the budget allows him expertise in many areas, including health care. If you want to know how Ryan can play on...
 In the early 1950’s, the motion picture industry suffered from the effects of an excise tax passed during World War II. Interesting enough, the film industry produced a film calling for the tax repeal on the assumption that...
Does marriage matter? With the debate swirling around the decline of the middle class, the inability to move a percentage of those below poverty downward and the future of the family structure; the question that needs to be...
Obamacare passed its constitutional test as Chief Justice John Roberts punted. Roberts was left with a dilemma, does he overturn an important Congressional imperative by the narrowest of margins?This would have put the...
This election may be a transformation election, beginning with the economy, but underneath the surface is the question: can we limit the power of government? Obamacare is but one case where economic freedom is at stake....
The recent gaffe by Obama that the private sector is doing fine can’t really be described a gaffe but an insight in the soul of Obama and how he truly views America. Every so often a politician gives us a glimpse into what...
The CBO recently acknowledge what others have stated, the coming economic debacle facing whoever is elected in 2013. The massive tax increase along with austerity program with no real growth component added to the mixture...
For the past year, I have talked of the Wisconsin Strategy which was simply the left attempting to make governing impossible for conservative governors. When Governor Scott Walker actually decided to fulfill his campaign...
Barack Obama's famous utterances “You didn’t build this” demonstrated that unprotected by his teleprompter, his true feelings for the society he governs come through. While many critics have complained that Romney and the...
What is it with the left and their admiration for China? Elizabeth Warren's most recent ad claims we should be more like China since they build a lot of roads. This is the same Elizabeth Warren whose claim of being part...
A few years ago, I listen to a speech on health care where a speaker shocked the audience when he told them that the number of Canadians who are not covered by health insurance in their country would be the equivalent of 15...
Jonah Goldberg recently made the observation that for many liberals, the best conservative role models are dead conservatives. As Goldberg noticed that many liberal ideal conservatives, “always exited yesterday.”...
The euro's discontentment began in Greece, a country whose GDP is exceeded by that of many of our states. The late Milton Friedman predicted the demise of the euro within a decade and his prophecy is not far off as...
When it was revealed that Obama put down in one of his literary booklets that he was born in Kenya in the early 90’s, one has to come to the conclusion, Barack Obama is the original birther. So does that mean that Obama...
Rand Paul is the future of the libertarian Republican movement as he starts to take the baton of their liberty agenda from his father. As the Ron Paul campaign eventually winds itself down, Rand Paul begins the process of...
When Jack Cashill advanced his theory that Obama did not write Dreams of My Father but that the book was actually written by Bill Ayers, my first thought was that this would end Obama's political career if proven...



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