
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
Sandwiched among the relationship articles and the latest pasta recipes are fear mongering crisis articles (and the need for Government as a protector). Then there's the steady drumbeat of casual sex is cool...casual sex has...
My name is John Griffing. I'm an average patriotic American citizen, and I’m alarmed. I’m alarmed at the speed with which our country is giving away its precious freedoms, and I’m alarmed at the role our own president has...
  Members of Docs4PatientCare visiting Members of Congress in Washington D.C.The question of whether ObamaCare will remain the law of this country or will be repealed by...
For a little over two months now, has been reporting about the Delphi Salaried Retirees Pensions that were stolen by the Obama Administration as a payback to the unions in order to force the GM Bankruptcy to...
Dear Undecided Voters,Do you need a reason to vote for Mitt Romney? Pick one below.The Economy. Benghazi. No Jobs. Solyndra. Debt. Blame Bush. Styrofoam Greek columns. Greece. More debt (than any administration in history...
Recent news accounts have raised serious concerns about what happened before and immediately after the attack in Libya on September 11, 2012 where our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, Air Force veteran Sean Smith, and former Navy...
Why is it that President Barack Obama is so reluctant to use the "T" word? When the Fort Hood shooting took place with a radicalized Muslim extremist screaming "Allahu Akbar" and we soon found out Major Hasan had ties to...
As the early vote begins in Texas, it is already underway in many states across America. Now is the time for us not to just get out the vote enough to win, but to bring all of our votes to the polls to send a clear message...
update: Indicted and Arrested! Former Jasper, TX Police Chief's Son, Ronnie Pearson, gets Child Rape Charges The Texas Department of Public Safety has confirmed this Texas Ranger’s investigation...
This week, open enrollment began for Medicare and runs through December 7, 2012. It is important for current Medicare beneficiaries to review their plans on an annual basis to ensure satisfaction with their current coverage...
George P. Bush is a Conservative Hispanic Texan. His father is Jeb Bush who is a former Florida Governor and brother of former U.S. President and Texas Governor George W. Bush. George P. Bush's mother was born in Mexico....
Private emails between Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus staff/leaders reveal Straus's profanity-laden disdain for Texas Conservatives. These emails were revealed on is TEXAS for crying out loud! How is...
Today is the last day for early voting in Texas. Polls are open from now until 7 pm. You can vote at any early voting polling location in your county. If you haven't voted yet, please do! If you have, spend a day calling...
Nearly two years after U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a gang of Mexican thugs in the desert night of southeastern Arizona, the federal government has finally secured a conviction.
Last night I attended a meeting at King Street Patriots in Houston where the topic was talking to minorities about conservative and Republican principles. During the meeting I met Kira Davis and learned about her battles as...
Earlier this year, the Democrats and the liberal media created a mythological Republican war against women when George Stephanopoulos of ABC News asked Governor Mitt Romney in one of the primary presidential debates about...
On the eleventh anniversary of September 11th, America was attacked again on its sovereign soil. In Egypt, protestors stormed the U.S. Embassy, and in Libya, our Ambassador, Chris Stephens, and three other Americans were...
update: Indicted and Arrested! Former Jasper, TX Police Chief's Son, Ronnie Pearson, gets Child Rape Charges A Planned Parenthood Clinic in Lufkin, Texas is being accused of performing an...
An unprecedented event occurred this week. “America’s Pastor”, the Reverend Billy Graham, came out in advertisements all over this great Nation encouraging people of all walks to vote for Biblical values, clearly supporting...
Last week, I travelled to San Benito and Brownsville to present a check for the San Benito Cultural and Heritage Museum Project and tour the Texas Oncology Center.The San Benito Cultural and Heritage Museum Project is...



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