
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
I have been sounding the alarm for weeks urging the Biden Administration to take this crisis seriously. I hope these photos finally wake them up.
The Woke's goal is to demonize Dr. Seuss and award him the scarlet letter of "R" (racist). This is part of the pattern we are dealing with, the goal to rip up our existing culture because it is racist and replace it with...
The United States will not tolerate an American citizen being held by the Putin Regime as a political pawn. Free Trevor Reed.
The pandemic has infiltrated so many aspects of our lives, including Texans’ basic needs like the ability to put food on the table.  I’m grateful to the Biden Administration for extending this waiver so Texas children won’t...
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For a Texas Republican legislator, voting against HB 803 Equal Parenting Bill this legislative session would mean voting against their own party platform and going against a top GOP issue. That is because at the Texas GOP...
Trevor Reed has been detained for far too long, for trumped-up charges that current evidence on file does not support. I cannot imagine what Trevor and his family are going through, and I call on the Russian government to...
father with kids
Family attorneys are coming out and supporting Texas HB 803, the Equal Parenting Bill.
Winter Storm Uri has wrecked havoc on our state, leaving many North Texans cold, powerless, and lacking critical supplies like food, diapers, and formula. But even in the midst of this storm, our communities are quickly...
Rush was a voice for forgotten Americans long before the internet gave us a voice. His was a voice that helped shape our thinking; but more than that, it reminded us to stay the course. I am saddened that I will never hear...
Texas HB 803 the Equal Parenting bill will decrease domestic violence, just as it did in Kentucky, and it will unclog family courts to be able to focus on victims and situations involving domestic violence...
In the face of hardship, I’m always in awe of the way Texans show up for one another. 
The State of Texas says it will allow all adults to get the COVID-19 vaccine starting March 29.
Jenna’s Law significantly increased the reporting of child sexual abuse in Texas, and I am proud to join with advocates like Jenna Quinn to enact these reforms nationally.
Starting Monday, Texas inmates will be able to resume in-person visits with family and friends for the first time since the governor declared a public health disaster a year ago, according to the Texas Department of Criminal...
In case you missed it, six Seuss books - including "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" and "If I Ran the Zoo" will no longer be published due to 'racist and insensitive imagery,' according to the...
Plenty of Texans want to hire plumbers in the wake of February's crippling winter storm. But part of the problem is that too few Texans want to be plumbers.
Houston lifted its boil water advisory Sunday afternoon, after water pressure rose over the last four days to safe levels.
Houston and much of Harris County’s nearly 5 million residents are under a boil water notice, as harsh weather and frigid temperatures continue to impact infrastructure in the region and across Texas.
Rush Limbaugh, the monumentally influential media icon who transformed talk radio and politics in his decades behind the microphone, helping shape the modern-day Republican Party, died Wednesday morning at the age of 70...
The NBA has ordered all teams to play the national anthem at games after Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban decided to skip it this season.



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