Media Ignores Cruz's Iowa Victory
In an unexpected Iowa victory, Ted Cruz won with 27.7% of the vote. Certainly the Cruz Campaign never gave up hope that Cruz would come in at #1. Donald Trump had been the expected #1 winner but failed to bring out enough of his supporters to caucus for him. Marco Rubio came in #3 and Ben Carson even with the more than anticipated votes he received still lagged behind at #4 with single digit at 9.3%.
Not only did Cruz make history in getting out the vote, but he made history as the first Hispanic to win a presidential Iowa caucus. But, where are the media headlines? Where are the accolades for Cruz? Wasn’t this newsworthy enough; but of course, had Cruz only been a Democrat! I’m sure that chills are running up and down newscasters spines as Cruz engages the growing Hispanic population.
We attended the Cruz Victory Party at the Iowa State Fair Elwell Center in Des Moines immediately after leaving the precinct caucus in Ames. There were warning signs everywhere telling us of the impending snow storm that was to arrive at midnight. I don’t know why but this reminded me of Cinderella’s carriage that turned into a pumpkin at midnight.
Upon arriving at about 10:00pm, we found the media was everywhere. I cannot remember when I have seen so many reporters, videographers, and photographers at any event. The center was also crowded with volunteers, Iowa fans and well-wishers. It took about 30 minutes before Cruz made his way to the stage that was waiting for him and his entourage of family and close supporters.
Amidst all the enthusiastic, cheerful devotees, and those with cameras battling for position, I managed to speak to Rafael Cruz, Ted's father, on his way up the stage. I whispered in his ear, "I'm so happy I could cry." His answer was, "To God be the Glory." I repeated, "Yes, to God be the Glory." Heidi and daughter, Caroline appeared next, followed by Cruz. He was focused and had a smile that matched the sparkle in his eyes. That was one of the best photographs of the evening!
Once on stage he said, ‘First of all let me say, to God be the Glory.” He continued, “Tonight is a victory for the grassroots.” He told his aficionados that the next president will not be chosen by the media or the Washington DC establishment or the lobbyists but by the American people. He thanked the courageous conservatives of Iowa. He reminded the audience that our rights come not from the government but from God.
He asked the crowd, “Do you know what scares the Washington cartel? They don’t fear me. What scares them is you!” He reiterated what he will do as the next president. He will repeal Obamacare, stop amnesty and secure the borders to keep us safe; support life, marriage and religious liberty and the 2nd amendment. He stands with the nation of Israel and will call terrorism by its name, Radical Islamic Terrorism and defeat ISIS.
Cruz then made reference to both the Democrat candidates without naming them: “One candidate who admits he is a Socialist and one candidate who pretends she is not.” He made a bid for unity to those that have supported other candidates by praising the bounty of the talented Republican presidential candidates and welcomed them to the Cruz Team. He ended his speech by saying that “Morning was coming to America,” referencing Psalm 30:5 (KJV). Cruz gave a rousing and forceful speech, words that his followers wanted to hear.
Returning to the hotel, I was disappointment to hear Laura Ingraham on Fox News commenting that Cruz’s speech was way too long and that Trump was ‘gracious’. (I think the word she was looking for was ‘shock’ that he lost.) Marco Rubio was ‘smart’. How about using the word ‘sly’ and with the help of the media he surged. She even went on twitter to state her opinion on the speeches.
Ingraham isn’t the only one ignoring or maligning Cruz. Trump can’t keep his insulting mouth closed and every liberal-mimicking reporter, newscaster and opponent would rather be a follower gathering crumbs than a leader. Cruz’s supporters need to be courageous and stand up and tell the truth, even when there are false accusations being thrown around just to fund campaigns.
Keep Ted Cruz and his family in your prayers. May our Lord guide and enlighten all of us to choose the next president of the United States. Our America and our lives depend on this one!
Pray, Fight, NEVER GIVE UP!
Ted Cruz Iowa Caucus Victory Speech [FULL] - Feb. 1, 2016