Speaker Straus

Most recent update: After hours of contemplation, Dewhurst declared that the vote happened after midnight and is invalid. Dewhurst blamed the unruly occupy-acting mob and the Straus House leadership for the failure of the...
Texas Governor Perry has vetoed 26 of the bills that passed out of the 2013 Texas Legislative Session, and he also line item vetoed a couple of other bills. These bills range from defunding the Public Integrity Unit because...
Joe Straus, Texas Speaker of the House of Representatives, has KILLED all important pro-life bills in the 2013 Texas Legislative session. Joe Straus is not pro-life and NEVER has been. Straus has stated to the media that...
Like the IRS Scandal, Texas Speaker Straus is attacking conservative non-profit groups and even churches! ACTION ALERT! GOVERNOR RICK PERRY MUST VETO THIS BILL SB 346! One of the top...
As the debate over gun control heats up across the country, in Texas, we are working hard to make our colleges safer. This week,Texas State Representative Allen Fletcher (R-Cypress), a retired Houston police officer,...
The common outcry on behalf of human rights … is false and illusory if the right to life … is not defended with maximum determination. - Blessed John Paul II, Christifideles LaiciAfter a two hour drive in the rain, and at...
Please forward this to all conservative Republicans in Texas. We must Stand up for conservative values and Joe Straus MUST be defeated. The Texas Speaker Election is tomorrow, Jan 8th, 2013. Contact your State Representative...
What an interesting turn of events! Texas State Representative David Simpson will be the main challenger against Rep. Joe Straus for Speaker of the House. Rep. Bryan Hughes has dropped out and endorsed David Simpson. See...
Private emails between Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus staff/leaders reveal Straus's profanity-laden disdain for Texas Conservatives. These emails were revealed on RedState.com.This is TEXAS for crying out loud! How is...
The Hill Country Tea Party Patriots held a Senate District 25 candidates forum in New Braunfels and the audience was eager to hear what the candidates had to say. Dr. Donna Campbell is challenging Texas Senator Jeff...
Like most of you, I was very disgusted to learn that last week Obama’s Federal Emergency Management Agency turned down Governor Perry’s request for emergency aid for the devastated town of West. We shouldn't have been...
The Texas regular legislative session ended less than a month ago. Unfortunately, all the big pro-life bills were killed by the leadership of Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus. Joe Straus is not pro-life and has openly...
Update: Governor Perry has Vetoed Texas SB 346 Statement from Texas Governor Rick Perry: “Freedom of association and freedom of speech are two of our most important rights enshrined in the Constitution. My...
The following is a press release from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action:Gun owners’ patience and persistence was rewarded on Saturday and yesterday, as the Texas House of Representatives led by Speaker Joe Straus (R-...
Texas House Speaker Joe Straus announced committee assignments for the 2013 Session of the Texas House of Representatives. A complete list of all committee assignments can be found on the official website of the Texas...
The 83rd Texas Legislature kicked off its very first day in session Tuesday with legislators being sworn in surrounded by family, friends, and supporters. State Rep. David Simpson withdrew his candidacy for Speaker of the...
Why would anyone who is against the killing of innocent unborn babies ever consider voting for Joe Straus? Joe Straus is not pro life. He voted against pro life issues before he became Speaker and enjoyed support from...
The administration that was just reelected is plagued by a tremendous lack of leadership, honor and morals. We have been abandoned and conservatives must move forward against this obstruction. We have to clean house in...
A TSA agent grabbed the genitals of Texas Republican Congressman Canseco at a San Antonio Airport. The Congressman reacted instinctively to protect his private parts and the Congressman pushed down the hand of the TSA agent...
AUSTIN—Texas House Speaker Joe Straus (San Antonio) today issued additional interim charges that build on the priorities he set forth in October. These priorities include ways to attract more manufacturing jobs and build on...



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