
EPA Hides Truth about Climate Regulations

Today, I sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy criticizing the agency’s limited analysis of its climate regulations and requesting more comprehensive, independent analysis before the agency moves forward.

For too long the EPA has hidden the truth from the American people. In order to regain public trust, the agency should rely on robust, objective and well-grounded technical analysis of its climate regulations. Flaws in recent EPA analyses amplify concerns about the real impacts of these regulations. Americans deserve an opportunity to see the facts.

Last week the Government Accountability Office released a report highlighting a pattern of shoddy EPA analysis. It was revealed that EPA relied

Hillary vs. Barack Round Two


There has been a war between the Obama and the Clintons for some time. So Hillary’s recent criticism of Obama’s foreign policy was more than her “Blame Barack” strategy, but also a bit of comeuppance.

In an interview with the Atlantic Monthly recently, Clinton suggested Obama’s national security approach had not done enough to hasten the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and that he was too cautious about the use of America’s power and influence abroad. Read more about Hillary vs. Barack Round Two

What Next? Obama’s Face on Mount Rushmore?

People in Willingboro, New Jersey are ticked off.

It seems the city council there has decided to remove John F. Kennedy’s name from the Kennedy Center and replace it with Obama’s name. If the city council in this town is so in love with Obama that they want to honor him by attaching his name to something, why don’t they attach it to something he actually created or accomplished

Celebrating our Military for Purple Heart Day

I’m thankful every day for our military service members and the veterans that have fought to keep us safe. And Thursday was a special day to commemorate specifically those who were wounded or killed in combat while defending America abroad. Purple Heart Day celebrates the 1.9 million U.S. troops who have earned the Purple Heart Medal, including the almost 50,000 men and women in uniform who have received a Purple Heart for their service in Iraq and Afghanistan. My thoughts and prayers are with all those who have made such great sacrifices for our country, and the families of all Purple Heart recipients.

Right here in Lubbock, we’re taking every opportunity to honor those who have served. You may remember that Texas Tech University was recently named a “Purple Heart University” for its

New Mexican Energy Laws Could Spell Opportunity for Texas Companies


HOUSTON, Texas — Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed a new law reforming the nation’s energy industry. It is expected this new law will bring in billions of dollars in investments to expand oil and natural gas production in Mexico. The move could create opportunity for Texas companies who are already studying the law and the new investment arenas. Read more about New Mexican Energy Laws Could Spell Opportunity for Texas Companies

Protecting Israel and Escalating Violence in Iraq

We’ve all heard about the violence in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas. As Israel tries to defend itself against thousands of rockets fired by the terrorist group Hamas, death tolls continue to grow, and communities have been devastated. I support Israel’s efforts to destroy the Hamas-built tunnel system they’ve been using to traffic terrorists and weapons into Gaza, and I fully support Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorism. Read more about Protecting Israel and Escalating Violence in Iraq

Let Voters Decide If Streetcars Are Their Desire

One of the topics I hear most about is the proposed streetcar project in San Antonio. During a recent telephone town meeting with hundreds of Bexar County constituents, I decided to gauge their views on the subject. (These were random calls to voters of all political stripes.)

Ninety percent of respondents said they were opposed to the streetcar project. Only 3 percent supported it, and 7 percent were undecided. Read more about Let Voters Decide If Streetcars Are Their Desire

Another Obama Foreign Policy Mistake!

Obama's Mideast policy can be classified as disaster jointly administered by John Kerry, who shows why the voters were right to reject him in 2004, and Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, who left office before her policy misjudgment became evident.

What is amazing is that Obama's foreign policy team was warned of this possibility, but there was no contingency plans ready, nor was Obama prepared to arm the Kurds who are presently out match by Isis armory, much of which stolen from the Iraqi’s army. Read more about Another Obama Foreign Policy Mistake!

From Bombings to Golf

Never has a president shown so much range, going from ordering a few strikes of ISIS to golfing.

Four hours after ordering another military strike on ISIS targets, Obama was golfing with friends on Martha’s Vineyard.

We’ve talked often about the quantity of Obama’s vacations, but the timing can be amazing. Read more about From Bombings to Golf

New reformers needed to curb the lawsuit abuse killing jobs in California

Joblessness and poverty in California are more severe than just about anywhere in America.

In an election year, this is a reality incumbents tend to gloss over. California’s improving, they say, so keep us in charge.

For the millions of Californians suffering in poverty, can’t find a job, or are underemployed, these assurances don’t go very far. Real hope requires job growth, and that means growing small businesses. Read more about New reformers needed to curb the lawsuit abuse killing jobs in California


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