
Individual Mandate Struck Down

The "second highest court in the land" — the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia — just struck a BIG blow to Obamacare.

The court ruled that the Obama Administration ignored the text of the law, and improperly extended Obamacare subsidies and the individual mandate to States that have not created state exchanges.

The effect of this ruling, if enforced, is that the individual mandate is struck down in 36 States, including Texas. Read more about Individual Mandate Struck Down

Federal Spending Update

As you know, the House of Representatives controls the federal purse strings, and we’ve been the leaders in putting together a detailed spending plan for Fiscal Year 2015. We’re able to set guidelines on how each federal agency spends their money, so we’re setting national priorities for the coming year. For example, the Financial Services appropriations bill, which passed the House last week, cuts all funding for the IRS to implement Obamacare. We’ve prevented your tax dollars

Honduran Mother Explains Why She Illegally Entered US with Her Child


FALFURRIAS, Texas—Shortly after her capture following a police chase, a Honduran mother explained why she put her ten-year-old son’s life in danger by bringing him to Texas via human smuggling. Deputies with the Brooks County Sheriff’s Department discovered the van packed with about 25 people shortly before they were to be dropped off by the coyote for a three to four day march through dry desert-like ranch lands with temperatures approaching the one hundred degrees. Read more about Honduran Mother Explains Why She Illegally Entered US with Her Child

Texas Patriots PAC recommends Brandon Creighton for Senate District 4


(The Woodlands, Texas) In the Senate District 4 special election runoff, the Texas Patriots PAC recommends Brandon Creighton. In the special election that was held on May 10th, we had recommended Creighton and two other candidates, Steve Toth and Gordy Bunch. Only Representatives Toth and Creighton moved on to the Runoff. We have reevaluated each of these two candidate's path to victory given the results of the May 10 election. Our view is that while both Creighton and Toth are outstanding conservative

Common Core FAQs - Your Questions Answered

The Common Core. Now that we've established that you have heard of it before, let's go a little deeper into the topic. We've all heard that our education system is broken, right? Then, one would assume that Common Core would attempt to be the solution to the problem.

Since we're talking about solutions here, we would also assume that the Common Core would help improve critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Gov. Rick Perry to Send Texas National Guard Troops to Secure U.S.-Mexico Border


Governor Rick Perry is expected to announce at a press conference in Austin this afternoon that he will be mobilizing Texas National Guard troops to the border. A memo obtained by The Monitor states that troops are expected to enter the Rio Grande Valley area gradually, building up to 1,000 after a month. Read more about Gov. Rick Perry to Send Texas National Guard Troops to Secure U.S.-Mexico Border

True Wisdom Is Greek To Political Strategists

In an online exchange, a friend explained that Democrats win because they embrace and celebrate their base, while Republicans denounce, disown and conspire against theirs. Absolutely. And why is that? It's because mass-media and education are largely amenable, to say the least, with the agenda of the Democrat base. And they are largely hostile to the conservative Republican base. And for these people, EVERYTHING is political.

Persecuted, The Movie - A Faith Based Movie

Persecuted is a timely movie depicting some of the challenges Christians are experiencing today. While it is ‘fiction,’ Christians can certainly identify with the basic story line. A US Senator tries to pressure John Luther, founder of Truth, a ministry based on God’s word, into supporting legislature that would ‘unite’ all religions into one government controlled ‘church’. Read more about Persecuted, The Movie - A Faith Based Movie

This Week in the House


This week the House Rules Committee held a hearing on the draft resolution that would provide authority to initiate a lawsuit on behalf of the House of Representatives against the President for failing to carry out his constitutional duties. All elected federal officials take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and it is our duty to ensure that it is vigorously protected. I believe that authorizing this lawsuit is a necessary step to hold the President accountable for failing to faithfully execute the law.

California’s hardest hit regions, forgotten by Sacramento Democrats, need relief

California’s lagging and uneven economy is leaving millions of people behind. This isn’t the election year spin coming from members of the Ruling Party in Sacramento, but it’s the harsh economic reality being produced by their policies.

Our state’s high 7.6% unemployment rate is well above the national average of 6.3%, and even worse when compared to the 5.1% rate in Texas, California’s toughest economic competitor. These aren’t just numbers: every percentage point means hundreds of thousands of more Californians who are out of work and struggling. Read more about California’s hardest hit regions, forgotten by Sacramento Democrats, need relief


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