
Tackling the Problem of Human Trafficking of Runaway and Foster Youth


In my former life, I was a criminal court judge for 22 years and spent 8 years as a prosecutor in Texas. Child abusers are the worst criminals in our society. But too often the justice system ignores the victim. So Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA) and I founded the Victims' Rights Caucus. The VRC is currently focused on combating human trafficking.

This topic is of particular interest to me because my hometown of Houston, Texas is unfortunately a hub for this despicable crime.

What Went Wrong with HealthCare.Gov?

Even though the Administration had three years to prepare for the launch of the government website where millions of Americans will be compelled to buy health insurance under ObamaCare, has been “live” for almost a month and there seems to be no end in sight to its problems. Since October 1, Americans have run into widespread amounts of glitches and error messages on the site, and millions have been unable to sign up as was advertised. It’s clear the online rollout

Houston City Elections - Early Voting Underway - Michael Kubosh Discusses Transparency in Government


Monday night brought a record turnout for Houston City Elections Early Voting, much from traditional Democrat parts of Houston. Time to crank up the GOTV effort Precinct Chairs! As early voting was about to begin, I sat down again with City Council At Large Position #3 Candidate, Michael Kubosh to discuss transparency in government. As you can imagine, after his dealings with the City of Houston on the Red Light Camera issue, this is an issue he is very passionate about as you will see in the interview below. Read more about Houston City Elections - Early Voting Underway - Michael Kubosh Discusses Transparency in Government

Smart Meters FORCED onto Texans by Ken Paxton and Dan Branch – TRUTH REVEALED – Votes Don’t Lie

see updated article with more information here: 

Ken Paxton Supporters Revert to Name Calling When Shown Paxton’s Vote to Mandate Smart Meter Fee for ALL Texans

previous article:

Fact: Texas Attorney General Candidates Ken Paxton and Dan Branch voted in 2005 to FORCE Texans to get a Smart Meter and FORCED Texans to pay for them. The laws they voted to approve reveal the shocking truth that even they cannot deny. They passed laws that specifically forced the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) to implement Smart Meters and to create a fee for Texans to pay for them. Texas Attorney General Candidate Barry Smitherman is the only candidate in the race who has listened to the outcry from conservatives and in response, has teamed up with conservatives in the Texas Legislature, like State Rep. David Simpson, to try to amend the law and make Smart Meters optional instead of mandatory. Read more about Smart Meters FORCED onto Texans by Ken Paxton and Dan Branch – TRUTH REVEALED – Votes Don’t Lie

Obama Administration to give Americans running head start before enforcing the Individual Mandate

Still unwilling to admit that the launch of has been an embarrassing failure, the White House has announced that the penalty for not purchasing health insurance may be delayed “by up to six weeks.” This means that we have another few weeks before we’re forced into what has become the most visible vehicle for government overreach since the New Deal.

After three years, Obamacare still isn’t ready for primetime; in fact, after hundreds of millions of dollars the

Texas Propositions! What to do?


It's time again to see if we agree with what special interests have pushed through the Texas legislature. Just because the proposed Constitutional amendments passed the legislature is not a reason to automatically vote “yes”. An important Texas Constitutional check is that of the people having to approve Texas Constitutional amendments. Without getting into a huge amount of details, below are my recommendations for the Texas Propositions (YES on 1-2, 4-5, 9, and NO on 3, 6-7-8). At the bottom of this is a meta-list that contains recommendations from an assortment of conservative groups and individuals.

(VIDEO) Saturday Night Live Skewers Obamacare Website Glitches


In a hilarious cold open sketch of last night's Saturday Night Live, Kate McKinnon, playing Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius, provides some friendly tips for troubleshooting all of the technical problems people have been experiencing with the Obamacare website. Tips included restarting your computer, coming back later since the site can only handle six users at a time,

The Passage of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act is a Victory for Texans

Last week, the House passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRDAA). The passage of this bipartisan bill is a victory for North Texas families because it will help strengthen our economy, spur job creation, and promote America’s competitiveness. Specifically, WRRDA authorizes key missions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop and maintain our waterways, streamlines permitting processes, and expands public-private partnerships. Read more about The Passage of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act is a Victory for Texans

WHY THE OBSESSION WITH OBAMA? What is wrong with us?


Why are we so obsessed with Obama? We all know he is destroying America; the proof is all around us, so why do we have to know why? We all know he is dividing America, so why don’t we try to unite? We all know he is destroying the family. We all know he is pro abortion and same sex marriage. So why do so many people defend his Christianity? Shouldn’t we try harder at defending and practicing our faith?

Biggest county GOP in Texas embraces "Big Data"


The Harris County GOP has acquired rVotes - a perfected version of Voter Action Network (owned by Democrats) and sold to Harris County by the original co-creator of the monster organizing tool.

Local Republicans are no longer resisting technological advancement, but are embracing new communications strategies as a key component of amplifying the consistent Republican message of faith, jobs, and strong defense. Read more about Biggest county GOP in Texas embraces "Big Data"


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