
ACTION ALERT: To the residents of San Angelo and Big Spring Regarding Texas Transportation Funding

As we covered earlier, the dire state of Texas' transportation funding is quickly developing into a situation that certain Republican elected officials will exploit as an excuse to raise taxes and fees, raid the Rainy Day Fund, and make similar non-conservative policy decisions. What's happening here is no different than the phony outrage promoted by the White House over the federal sequestration, where they threatened funding cuts to "vital services" if Republicans couldn't agree to raise taxes.

Congressman Pete Sessions Statement on March Jobs Report


Once again, today’s jobs report highlights how President Obama’s policies have discouraged economic growth and job creation. At a time when nearly 20 million Americans are unemployed, only 88,000 jobs were added last month. Job creators are struggling to cut through the endless maze of regulations and bloated bureaucracy forced on them by federal government.

Senator John Cornyn and the Texas GOP Grassroots Club

US Senator John Cornyn

Steve Munisteri chairman of the Republican Party of Texas has done a great job with the Grassroots Club. On April 1, the Grassroots Club members were invited to a brunch at Cisco’s Restaurant in Austin with Senator John Cornyn.

Fight for the Right of Texans to Govern Texas


Sometimes we don’t notice the real danger even while it’s lurking right under our collective noses. For Hollingsworth v. Perry –the Supreme Court case involving Proposition 8--the media coverage and discussion focuses on same-sex marriage. But the gravest threat of this case could be to our federal system of government. Nowhere is marriage—or healthcare by the way—mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, which would seem to place marriage clearly within the powers reserved to the people and the states according to the 10th Amendment, and thus take the decision out of the Court’s hands altogether and leave decisions relating to marriage and healthcare with the people and the states. Read more about Fight for the Right of Texans to Govern Texas

FBI Documents Connect Aryan Brotherhood with Mexican Cartels


News coverage of the assassinations of Kaufman County, TX Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, District Attorney Mike McLelland, and McLelland's wife Cynthia has turned to the alleged involvement of a group named the Aryan Brotherhood (AB).

Considering McLelland was part of a task force that investigated the Aryan Brotherhood, and in light of the recent killing of Colorado prison chief Tom Clements, allegedly

Border Security and Immigration Reform - Two Separate Issues that Must be Linked

It is clear that border security and immigration reform are two separate issues. Yet the two must be linked together as we try to develop a responsible solution to both of these problems facing our nation. Today, in Houston, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is visiting to make a speech about border security and the job her department is doing. It is interesting that she chose Houston as the place to deliver this. Texans have been hammering her about border security from the day she took office.

The truth is, and we must acknowledge this, the border between the U.S. and Mexico is more secure now than it has ever been. One of the few good things the Obama Administration has done is to increase security along the border.

Bankruptcy Judge Plays April Fools Joke on Stockton, CA Creditors - Bankruptcy to Proceed


Judge Christopher Klein - Stockton BankruptcyCreditors of the City of Stockton, California probably wish that Judge Christopher Klein's ruling that the city can proceed into bankruptcy over their objections was an April Fools joke, but it just isn't so. Monday, April 1, Judge Klein accepted the bankruptcy application of Stockton after creditors walked away from negotiations.

It is good to see a bankruptcy judge who won't let creditors walk all over him, unlike Judge Robert Gerber who let creditors in the General Motors bankruptcy case make a fool of him by hiding a $367 million payment to GM Canada. Because of this, Gerber is having to revisit this case and the entire GM bankruptcy could come unraveled. Read more about Bankruptcy Judge Plays April Fools Joke on Stockton, CA Creditors - Bankruptcy to Proceed

David Stockman Tells the Truth; Propagandists Up in Arms


Former Reagan budget director David Stockman had a piece in the New York Times last weekend that I insist you read; it may whet your appetite for his indispensable book. I’m told both Paul Krugman and David Frum are outraged, which is all the more reason for you to click and read it. My only criticisms are these:

(1) To heck with higher taxes to “pay the nation’s bills.”

(2) Is returning the Fed to its “original mission” a stable equilibrium? Why didn’t it stay so confined the first time? Is its original mission as a government-privileged monopolist providing “liquidity” during hard times compatible with the free market?

Meet Tom Pauken, Candidate For The Office Of Governor Of Texas - Part I


Rick Santorum and Tom Pauken

The last time I visited with former Texas Workforce Commissioner, Tom Pauken, was on January 8, 2013. He quietly informed me that he might run for the governor of Texas. I didn’t waste any time asking for an interview.

In the Face of the Sequester: Obama Sends $500 million to Palestine


The sequester has forced many branches of our armed forces to stop their college tuition aid programs for active duty troops and vets, but it hasn’t slowed obama’s cash outlay to questionable organizations and countries.

In March, the State Department confirmed that they would proceed with the $500 million in aid to Palestine, and are working to persuade Congress to grant an additional $200 million. Read more about In the Face of the Sequester: Obama Sends $500 million to Palestine


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