
Who Decides?


An exchange between Planned Parenthood Alisa Snow and Representative Jim Boyd: "So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?" "We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow. Read more about Who Decides?

He Is Risen


Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. - John 11:25-26

Read more about He Is Risen

North Korea Threatens Nuke Missile Strike on Austin, Texas


North Korea Dictator Kim Jong Un has signed orders putting his rockets on combat ready status, and according to Kim Jong Un's U.S. Mainland Strike Plan, Austin, TX is one of the top 4 American cities to be targeted by this potential nuclear missile strike. Occupy Movements, plastic bags, and Hippie Festivals are no longer the greatest threat to this liberal-controlled Texas City.

How Obamacare Could Increase Voter Intimidation


Louisiana Congressman Charles Boustany, M.D. made waves this week after publicly criticizing voter registration functions in Obamacare application drafts – leading to an emerging debate as to whether such options should be available in the 60-plus-page form. Unfortunately, the debate has largely ignored the core flaws of the application program until now, according to activists in the voters’ rights community. Read more about How Obamacare Could Increase Voter Intimidation

Springtime in Texas is for Wildflowers and Good Food in Round Top


Bluebonnet Dreams by Daniel AdamsThanks to the efforts of Lady Bird Johnson and thousands of volunteers at the National Wildflower Research Center, driving the highways and backroads of Texas in the springtime is a thing of beauty and grandure. It is a great time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of our political debates and look at what real life in Texas is all about. If you live within a hour or two drive of Round Top, Texas, you need to plan a trip through the flowers and a stop for some of the best food in Texas at Bud Royer's Round Top Cafe!

I first learned of the Royer's Round Top Cafe while listening to a radio show hosted by former KPRC-Weatherman Doug Johnson in 1989 when he described

Jesus' Last Words From The Cross


For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not parish but might have eternal life. - John 3:16

First saying
Nailing Jesus to the cross
“Then Jesus said, “Father forgive them, they no not know what they do.”
Luke 23:34 Read more about Jesus' Last Words From The Cross

Family Matters!


While the debate centers on gay marriage, what is missing is a serious discussion about the family breakdown. Jonah Goldberg wrote a piece recently about how Dan Quayle was right about the family's collapse twenty years ago and its meaning for the greater society. While much of the establishment mocked Dan Quayle, Quayle has proven to be right and his critics wrong. Read more about Family Matters!

Why Is the Obama Admin Stockpiling Weapons and Ammo?


With each new day comes new revelations concerning Obama and his administration–each piece of news more chilling than the previous.

News that has been leaked for some time now tells of a massive arms build up–1.6 BILLION rounds of ammo. Yes billion. At the same time that Obama, Biden, Feinstein and the gang are pulling out the stops to infringe

The Democrats Plan on Turning Texas Blue

The following was sent in from Weston Martinez, President of the Texas Freedom PAC:

Obama National Field Director Jeremy Bird held a Castro love fest a few weeks ago in San Antonio to ignite the Democrat base for Battleground Texas. This is the direct effort by Obama's team to try and turn Texas Blue and promote the Castro brothers. Additionally, volunteers are walking in different parts of the state, engaging new voters.

The Texas Tribune reported that this new group is planning on spending “tens of millions of Dollars” geared towards buying the Hispanic vote in Texas. With a Goal of electing Democrats statewide.

Dick Morris is Right - It is Time for Republicans to Lead on Immigration Reform


Dick Morris says Republicans should Own Immigration ReformToo often Republicans play defense on policy issues and allow Democrats (and the willing media accomplices) to control the language and tactics of the debate. Immigration reform has certainly been one of these areas. Democrats put forward a potential solution, and Republicans defend their position while offering little, if any, Republican ideas on the issue. This week, Dick Morris posted an article on his website, where he challenges Republicans to move to the high ground and take a leadership role in fixing a problem that has long endured. Morris says Republicans should "Own Immigration Reform".


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