
Congressman Sessions on the Require a Plan Act


This week, the House once again took action to address our nation’s debt crisis. On Wednesday, we passed the Require a PLAN Act, a bill that calls on the President to submit a budget plan that achieves balance.

Under the President’s policies, our budget deficits have exceeded a trillion dollars – despite his promise to cut the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term. I believe that if we do not reverse this course immediately, we will harm generations of Texans to come.

Students with Guns! Texas Bill Would Create School Gun Classes - Filed by Rep. James White


I can already see the liberal news headlines.... "Texas Wants to Teach Students How to Kill" is what the gun control advocates will say. They will post pictures (like the one on the right) that makes it look like Texas is teaching little kids how to be a member of the Texas Militia or something. They are wrong. Texas State Representative James White has filed a bill that will allow schools in Texas the option of having a gun class. It would be a class where students learn how to use and clean firearms properly. This is a great bill. Many gun accidents happen because adults and kids are afraid to handle, or do not know how to handle, or clean a gun.

CBO’s 2013 Economic Outlook Report

This week’s release of the Congressional Budget Office’s 2013 Economic Outlook report underscores the need for serious reforms to get our economy moving in the right direction again. The report projects that the national debt will increase by $10 trillion over the next ten years reaching $26 trillion with public-held debt maintaining another historically high level of 77% of GDP. The report also predicted

Texas Republicans Should Join in Immigration Reform


Co-written by Eduardo Aguirre

Mitt Romney's defeat in the 2012 presidential election has been met by many Republicans as a challenge. If they hope to regain the White House, the party must address important issues for America's rapidly growing Hispanic population. That is particularly true when it comes to immigration matters, where Romney staked positions

Concealed Carry Bill for College Campus Protection Filed by Rep. Allen Fletcher


College Concealed CarryAs the debate over gun control heats up across the country, in Texas, we are working hard to make our colleges safer. This week,Texas State Representative Allen Fletcher (R-Cypress), a retired Houston police officer, introduced the "Campus Personal Protection Act". This bill, (HB 792) is the companion bill to a bill introduced earlier in the Texas State Senate by Senator Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury). Read more about Concealed Carry Bill for College Campus Protection Filed by Rep. Allen Fletcher

Panetta Testimony Shows Incompetence


Could you imagine what the reaction of the news media would be if a Republican President had been AWOL during a major crisis, not communicating with key defense personnel? In September, four Americans were killed by terrorists, and now we are learning from the Secretary of Defense that the President essentially threw up his arms and told his defense secretary to do whatever was needed and then took the rest of the evening off. He never even bothered to call the Secretary of Defense

Texas decides to rein in 'liberal' curriculum


Texas lawmakers have decided they want to rein in a controversial public school curriculum content and management system that at one point taught “Allah is God.”

Most of the state’s classrooms, some 80 percent, are using the CSCOPE program that also has raised eyebrows because educators had refused to allow parents and others to see what being taught. Read more about Texas decides to rein in 'liberal' curriculum

Too Fast, Too Furious


Why is it that with all the talk of preventing gun violence with unconstitutional gun control directives, the president and his odious band of weapons dealers have not been called to account for their illegal arms shipments south of the border, or their giving of arms to al Qaeda resulting in the effective murder of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Libya?

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. But this is an all too familiar pattern for Obama. The fox has taken charge of the henhouse. President Obama sent weapons, untraced

Congress Goes on Offense to Stop Delphi Pensions from Being "Drained"


Bankruptcy Judge Robert DrainDuring the peak of the Auto Bailout, salaried pensioners from Delphi were, as many believe, unlawfully stripped of their pensions. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Drain (Southern District of New York) allowed the Treasurary Department, under the leadership of Secretary Timothy Geithner, to unfairly represent various sides of the case leaving the salaried pensioners virtually unrepresented by counsel.   Read more about Congress Goes on Offense to Stop Delphi Pensions from Being "Drained"


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