
Eric Holder Memo Reveals Gun Control Flaw – It Doesn’t Work! DOJ Prosecuted 55,000 Illegal Firearm Cases


A couple of months ago, Eric Holder sent a memo to all DOJ employees titled "Accomplishments Under the Leadership of Attorney General Eric Holder."

Most of this memo was not interesting and had to do with Attorney General Eric Holder's Department of Justice wrongly making claims of racism against states, banks, etc. Read more about Eric Holder Memo Reveals Gun Control Flaw – It Doesn’t Work! DOJ Prosecuted 55,000 Illegal Firearm Cases

An Aging America - Yet Another Reason Why We Need Immigration Reform


Pew Research Aging Labor ForceThere are many reason why we need to address our national immigration policy. The current system is broken. It is a national security problem. It creates and encourages lawless behavior. But in addition to these problems that need to be addressed, there is an even bigger issue. We are an ageing society, and we simply need more young workers to serve as taxpayers. Yes, we don't need more taxes, we need more taxpayers! Read more about An Aging America - Yet Another Reason Why We Need Immigration Reform

Bankruptcy Courts Part 7 - General Motors Revisited by Judge Robert Gerber... Oops

Stormy Skies for Judge Robert Gerber and GM BankruptcyIs 44 days too fast to move a bankruptcy the size of General Motors (GM) through the courts system without missing something major?  Apparently so, as Judge Robert Gerber, in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) Bankruptcy Court, is now having to revisit this case because of some potentially damaging issues involving the Canadian subsidiary of GM and alleged improper transfer of assets to hedge funds. I have previously reported on the GM bankruptcy and spoke with Judge Gerber about the Canadian lock-up funds in San Diego last year. Read more about Bankruptcy Courts Part 7 - General Motors Revisited by Judge Robert Gerber... Oops

Tom Pauken: A Plan to Re-emphasize The Skilled Trades in High School Should Pass Texas House


One of the trends weve been watching closely is the shift in attitudes when it comes to the "college for all" mentality that has dominated public policy in recent decades. Now, a plan in support of that shift is picking up steam at the Texas Legislature.

Workforce Commissioner Tom Pauken, who has been sounding the alarm about the need for more skilled workers, says the plan "is clearly going to pass the House. Theres a recognition in the importance of multiple pathways to a high school diploma and the value of career and technical education." Read more about Tom Pauken: A Plan to Re-emphasize The Skilled Trades in High School Should Pass Texas House

County Commissioners' entrepreneurial "investment" fails

In 2006, the Montgomery County commissioners created the Montgomery County Jail Financing Corporation in order to build the Joe Corley Detention Facility. To finance the facility’s construction, the commissioners sold $44.8 million in tax-exempt revenue bonds. As part of an agreement with the IRS on retaining its tax-exempt status, after five years 30 percent of the facility’s

Putting the Skilled Trades Back in Texas High Schools


We've been telling you about the push in Austin to bring balance to the Texas education system. Many feel there's too much emphasis on sending every single student to college and not enough recognition that the skilled trades are a great option for many. The Texas Tribune reports on Houston Sen. Dan Patrick's bill to move the state away from the "college for all" model of education. Read more about Putting the Skilled Trades Back in Texas High Schools

Watch LIVE: Neugebauer Leads Colleagues in Special Order on House Floor Honoring Fallen Hero Chris Kyle

I join a bipartisan group of Representatives today to pay tribute to Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle, a true American military hero, who was tragically killed on February 2nd.

Chris was a personal friend of mine, and I know how great of a loss this is for his family and for this entire country. I hope that our words today will help the American public remember him, honor him, and be thankful for his dedicated service to protecting the freedoms and liberties we all enjoy.

Why We No Longer Trust Our Government


Tennessee Law Professor Glen Reynolds recently wrote an article attempting to answer the question of why Americans are losing confidence in their government and even fearing it as a threat to their freedom.  A recent Pew Poll noted that more than half of Americans view the government as a threat to their freedom!

Professor Reynolds gave an obvious answer,

More Spending, More Regulation, More of the Same

Under President Obama, the deficit has doubled. The federal government now borrows 40 cents for every new dollar it spends. No family, no community, no country can sustain that kind of excessive spending. It’s the road to bankruptcy. We need to identify irresponsible spending, eliminate wasteful projects, and prioritize programs that provide the greatest benefit to the American people and economy.

Neugebauer Response to the State of the Union


I was disappointed, but not surprised, by the President’s remarks tonight. He laid out a very liberal agenda that called for raising taxes, stricter gun control, and a greater focus on climate change.

Meanwhile, our country is struggling under the weight of our $16 trillion debt, and he didn’t present any real solutions for lightening that load. Read more about Neugebauer Response to the State of the Union


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