
Joe Straus – The Manipulative Texas Speaker Of The House


The administration that was just reelected is plagued by a tremendous lack of leadership, honor and morals. We have been abandoned and conservatives must move forward against this obstruction. We have to clean house in our own party, for instance, the RNC Reince Priebus, all of the ‘established’ campaign machines and someone please yank Karl Rove off Fox News. He was wrong in 2008 and he was wrong in 2012! There are other national ‘established’ Republicans that I am sure you could mention.

But what about our own grand state of TEXAS? RedState, a conservative blog for right of center online activists, came out with a blood boiling story on

Taxation and Forced Labor: What’s the Difference?


I am thinking a lot about taxation in light of all this “fiscal cliff” talk. According to the late Harvard philosopher Robert Nozick in his 1974 book Anarchy, State, and Utopia, ”taking the earnings of n hours of labor” is not different from “forcing the person to work n hours for another’s purpose,” and therefore the taxation of earnings is “on a par with forced labor” and cannot be morally defended. Read more about Taxation and Forced Labor: What’s the Difference?

Texas A&M Hires Black Coach but gets "F" from Black Association for not Taking Racist Survey


During the 2011-2012 Season, there were coaching changes at 12 major Universities (BCS Football Schools).

Texas A&M University was the ONLY school out of those 12 to hire a black head coach.

Texas A&M Hired Coach Kevin Sumlin who was, at the time, the head coach at the University of Houston. Read more about Texas A&M Hires Black Coach but gets "F" from Black Association for not Taking Racist Survey

Fiscal Cliff: Washington Gone Wild?

Here in Washington and across the nation, all eyes are fixed on the “fiscal cliff” talks between Congress and the President. Everyone wants to know if they should expect a tax hike in just a few weeks. At year end, the so-called Bush tax rates will expire and nearly everyone will see a tax hike on January 1 unless Congress acts.

Our economy is struggling, and the national wallet is bleeding dry.

This Week in Washington

This week in Washington, Congressional leaders and the President continued to negotiate a solution to avert the looming “fiscal cliff” set to take effect January 1, 2013. As you may know, the so-called fiscal cliff is a combination of mandatory federal spending cuts and caps, and increases in tax rates for all Americans. As the conversations regarding this critical issue continue in Washington, I will stand up for a plan that assists our nation’s small businesses to grow and create more jobs.

On Wednesday, I was pleased to meet with the Texas Association of Business President, Bill Hammond, to discuss the various proposals

Pete Sessions Applauds Passage of STEM Jobs Act for Economic Growth, Competitiveness


Today, I released the following statement regarding House passage of the STEM Jobs Act (H.R. 6429), which would reallocate 55,000 visas to foreign-born graduates with advanced science, tech, engineering and math degrees:

I applaud the House’s action today on the STEM Jobs Act, a common-sense bill that will allow more bright individuals to stay in the country and increase the

Immigration Reform for the Sake of National Security

Immigration Reform should be viewed as a matter of national security and not social engineering. Currently our immigration system is more about family reunification than it is about ecomomic needs and national security. In fact, the current system is so broken that we have millions of undocumented people wandering around the country,  and we have no idea who they are, why they

International Revolution to Create a Global Tax Scheme


Science does not motivate the 195 parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; instead, it is the Green Climate Fund’s potential jackpot of trillions of dollars.

The UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres says a “revolution, the largest, most deeply rooted revolution mankind has ever seen, a deep transformation,”

Rep James White Files Constitutional Amendment Bill to Invalidate Obama Healthcare Individual Mandate in Texas


There have already been several great bills filed for consideration in the 2013 Texas Legislature. These great bills range from protecting unborn babies after 20 weeks because they can feel pain, to allowing Texas to be one of the over 40 other states who allow open carry of handguns.

You can now add my East Texas State Rep. James White to the list of people who have filed awesome conservative bills for the upcoming 2013 Texas Legislative Session.

Super Conservative Texas State Representative James White has filed a bill to constitutionally protect Texas residents from Obama's healthcare individual mandate. Read more about Rep James White Files Constitutional Amendment Bill to Invalidate Obama Healthcare Individual Mandate in Texas

Sam Johnson encourages Texans to send “Holiday Mail for Heroes” by Dec. 7th


This week I participated in the sixth annual “Holiday Mail for Heroes” by sending words of encouragement and gratitude to American military troops and encouraged Texans to join in by the December 7th deadline. Created by the Red Cross, Holiday Mail for Heroes allows people to mail Christmas cards and personal greetings to soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines overseas and at home as well as veterans and family members of deployed active-duty military members. The Red Cross will work with Pitney Bowes to screen all mail for security


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