
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Mission post office
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar (TX-28), and I released the following statements after their bill to rename the U.S. Postal Office in Mission, Texas as the “Mission Veterans Post Office...
For more than 130 years, Americans have had a close friendship with the Serbian people. Our troops fought side-by-side in both World War I and World War II, forging a strong bond between our nations. Today, Serbia remains an...
I certainly join in the effort to try to reform what we can of our criminal justice system.The smart way to deal with this is recognizing the reality that people need to be prepared, if they are willing to accept the help,...
World globalism is growing rapidly.  Borderless countries are popping up with apparent dire consequences as a result.  Muslims are streaming into Europe with devastating impact.  Although many Americans want secured borders...
“Jobs smash estimates with gain of 250,000, wage gains pass 3% for first time since recession”  - What an amazing headline from CNBC last week and there is no doubt about it—the American economy is booming. Across the nation...
Attorney General Sessions has selflessly dedicated more than 40 years to serving the people of Alabama and the nation. As our country’s top law enforcement official, he has been integral in fighting the opioid epidemic,...
Click here to watch the results come in as Texas voters head to the polls Tuesday, November 6th. There will be some hotly contested races all the way from the district level to the state level.  
Since 2014, the Russian Federation has been in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Despite four years of patience and asking nicely, the Kremlin doubled-down on its aggressive development of...
Do you ever find yourself asking whatever happened with that Las Vegas shooting?  How come it just suddenly dropped off the radar and the feds said, ‘case closed’?  What was the ‘rest of the story’?  Did the person who...
I released the following statement after Republican House members voted to elect Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Minority Leader and Steve Scalise (R-LA) as Minority Whip for the 116th Congress: 
Knowing that our country lost the US House to the dark side left me a bit unsettled. My immediate thoughts were for the unborn.This will certainly put more innocents at risk. Will Planned Parenthood be defunded? Probably not...
As I return to the nation's capital from home back in Austin, Texas so we can finish our work out before the end of the year, I wanted to relay some of the wisdom that I heard from working families and Texans back home about...
On Twitter the other day I noted that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who said she couldn’t afford a D.C. apartment until she started getting paid as a member of Congress, would fit right in with her fellow legislators.An expense...
A recent article from Prophecy News Watch tells of the plight of Americans today and how they are struggling to ‘survive’ our current economic status.  Understanding that there are those who will always be ‘at the...
After Tuesday’s election, there is no doubt that a blue wave crashed into a red wall in Texas but not without doing significant damage to the Republican Party’s grip on power at the Capitol in Austin. 
Today is the day! How blessed are we to have an effective democracy that allows us to have a say in how we are governed? Every American citizen, make sure to do your civic duty and vote. There are many close races and there...
Many websites insist that their authors write articles of at least 600-1200 words.  Since it’s the 21st century and everyone is running madly to keep up, this arbitrary rule sounds counterproductive.  If people are too busy...
The Legal WildernessDedicated to Searching and Exploring our Legal Frontiers to Find, Categorize, and Tag the wild, Untamed and Predatory Applications of the LawSingle Client Counsel Should Know About...
There are only two Northern White Rhinos left in the world. These two remarkable creatures live under constant armed security because poachers and terrorists are determined to kill them for their horns. Guarding these rhinos...



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