
What do you think the government is going to do with the money you mailed into the IRS today?Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) wrote up a report that shows some of the worst examples of federal spending in 2008. Below are some of...
The following was sent in from Francisco Quico Canseco after his victory in yesterday's Primary Runoff Election:
Before the March 2nd Primary Elections, Texas Democratic State Senator Leticia Van de Putte desperately tried to pull the race card, attempting to distinguish Democrats as friendly to Latinos and Republicans as resistant to...
Mitt Romney won the Southern Republican Leadership Conference's 2012 straw poll by one vote on Saturday. Mitt Romney had 439 votes, compared with Ron Paul, who had 438 votes.
Representative Bart Stupak has announced that he is retiring from his position and will not be running for reelection in the November 2010 midterm elections. Sources familiar with Stupak's thinking describe him as burned out...
The following was sent in from the Republican Party of Texas:
In an interview on WBAP's Mark Davis Show, Governor Rick Perry explained that the Texas high school dropout rate is 10%.
The Democrats are trying to introduce racism into their attack on the Tea Partiers, claiming their recent health care protests in D.C. had racial attacks or overtones. Bachmann says the 30 thousand Tea Partiers who were in...
There has been much controversy over whether or not a Tea Party protester spit on Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver a couple weeks ago at the Code Red Kill Bill Rally in Washington, D.C. Liberals wanted Cleaver to press...
Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff was interviewed by Sean Hannity last week regarding the lawsuit the states are filing against the health care bill.The following are highlights from the interview:
The Lone Star Tea Party is holding a tax day protest April 15th in Grand Prairie, Texas (Dallas Fort Worth area). The Lone Star Tea Party is the largest Tea Party in Texas.
The Castle Hills Conservative Club is holding a "Repeal, Replace, Reform" Tea Party in Castle Hills (Dallas area) later this evening and will be discussing how to reduce the government to the Constitutional Republic....
Today is day of the Texas Runoff Elections. The table below shows the six Texas Congressional Districts in which there are GOP candidates in a runoff election. The winners of each runoff election will be competing with their...
TexasGOPVote.com has recently received an e-mail from Richard A. Middleton, the North East Independent School District Superintendent, in response from our post: "School Propaganda: A Warped Discussion...
Sue Lowden, GOP Primary candidate for Harry Reid's Senate seat, was recently interviewed by Greta Van Susteren. According to the polls, Lowden has a double digit lead ahead of Harry Reid.
The following comments were sent in by a TexasGOPVote reader:Thank you for posting this teacher's unwittingly revealing, but distorted, analysis of the difference between what the teacher self-describes as what some label "...
On her Canadian tour, Ann Coulter was scheduled to make a stop at the University of Ottawa to give a speech. However after 2,000 students crowded the entrance of the site,
In 1992, a student from Edison High School in San Antonio brought a .38-caliber handgun to school. This set in motion a legal battle, in which the student ended up facing federal charges for violating the Gun-Free School...
The following candidate letter was sent in on behalf of Judge Debra Lehrmann, who is a Republican candidate in the Primary Runoff Election for Texas Supreme Court, Place 9:
The same federal government that is taking control of your health care bought almost twice as much H1N1 vaccine that was needed, so the rest has to be thrown away. According to the Washington Post:Despite months of...



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