
The following was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas.Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has long fought for your Constitutional rights, and now he is waging the fight of his career.  Attorney General Abbott has...
At the House Armed Services Committee hearing last Friday, Democrat Representative Hank Johnson (GA-4) was questioning Admiral Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet, about the stationing of 8,000 additional U.S....
Rev. Jesse Jackson was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren on Fox News last night. He was practically incoherent and made absolutely no sense. See for yourself in the video below.When asked about the effect of healthcare on...
The following was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas:The Republican Party of Texas welcomes and applauds Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s decision to serve out her current term in the Senate. Her term runs through 2012...
The following timeline is according to the Republican Committee on Ways & Means:2009
Remember those five resolutions you voted on if you voted in the Republican Primary Election? Ever wonder who constructed these resolutions, how many people voted for them, and what will become of them?
The following was sent in from Bryan Preston from The Republican Party of Texas:Last weekend, the Democratic Party passed a gargantuan, sweeping health care takeover bill over the clear objections of a majority of the...
The House just Passed Senate changes to the Health Care Bill, 220-207. 32 Democrats and no Republicans voted for the final health care bill.
Texas democrats that voted for the health care bill (HR 3590) amid backroom deals and an executive order are in a list that includes 25th, 28th, and 29th Texas Congressional Districts and will be challenged by the GOP...
The Following message was sent in by a TexasGOPVote reader:
Huge arguments have been erupting between state governors and attorneys general since the passage of the health care reform bill.
Update: Click here to see the North East ISD Superintendent's response. Texas is fortunate enough to be a state in which the State Board of Education (SBOE) is elected, giving students' parents and other tax...
Texas House District 51's Democratic Representative, Eddie Rodriguez, was arrested and charged with DWI last Thursday, March 18th. Rodriguez spent the night in the Travis County jail and was released Friday morning on a...
With the passage of the health care reform bill over with, Obama has introduced a controversial new drilling plan. The New York Times reports:
The AFL-CIO (Americas Union Movement) in Austin had a reception earlier today to thank Lloyd Dogett (TX-25) for voting "yes" on the health care reform bill.
The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) quarterly meeting is March 26th and March 27th. Most of the meetings are restricted to the public, as elected Republican executives discuss executive matters, but parts are...
This was sent in from the State Board of Education:After hours of public testimony and more than 100 amendments offered to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for social studies, the State Board of Education last week...
The following press release was sent in from the Republican Party of Texas:
TexasGOPVote participated in the Code Red Kill The Bill Rally in Washington D.C. March 20th and 21st. Below are some great pictures of our Republican congressmen cheering on the crowds of Tea Partiers and other freedom-...
Here is a video to remind you once again of all the lies Obama made during his campaign trail and presidency thus far. He tricked us and deceived us to get into office, he tricked us and deceived us to get the stimulus...



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