
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
Despite what the pundits and many naysayers in the media and Congress said, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is doing exactly what we promised. 
The following is authored by Eric Hall. Eric Hall is a U.S. Army Veteran who serves on the Collin County Republican Party Executive Committee as an elected Precinct Chairman, is the Chairman of Collin County Young...
Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and I recently introduced the Bankruptcy Venue Reform Act of 2017 to ensure corporations file for bankruptcy in districts that allow small businesses, employees, retirees, creditors, and other...
States with the fastest economic growth, like Texas and Florida, tend to have a common focus in their economic policies: low taxes (including low or no income taxes), a fiscally conservative approach to spending, and a...
Wednesday I appeared on KTSA’s Jack Riccardi Show, where I discussed the major, historic tax reform legislation President Trump recently signed into law, the growing threat of a nuclear North Korea, and the recent protests...
The Democrats were united in opposing the Trump Tax Reform plan. They have demonized it along with their allies in the left-wing media to make it appear to be bad for the economy and the country. So they are all-in as...
I issued the following statement after voting in favor of Congress’ final conference-reported tax reform bill.
Texas construction executives told state lawmakers this past week that there is an urgent need for more legal workers in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, a storm that worsened an already acute labor shortage along the Gulf...
In the last several weeks, both the House and Senate passed individual tax reform bills. Last week, a joint House and Senate conference committee worked tirelessly to bridge the differences between the two bills to create a...
The United States’ immigration system favors family reunification, even in the so-called employment-based categories.  The family members of immigrant workers must use employment-based green cards despite the text of the...
The Trump Administration recently ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to stop issuing H-2A visas for temporary agricultural work to Haitians.  One of the reasons given for not allowing Haitians to use the visas...
Today on the Senate floor, I discussed the benefits workers in Texas and across the nation will receive as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be found here...
Last week on the Senate floor, I highlighted the Senate’s many legislative accomplishments in 2017 that will benefit Texans and Americans across the country. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be...
Everyone knows about California and its expensive lifestyle.  And, being well known for its ‘liberal’ views, often the decisions they make aren’t a great surprise either.  The two most often topics discussed are money...
Yesterday on the Senate floor, I discussed the Senate’s legislative priorities as the new year begins. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be found here.  
I authored the following Op-Ed highlighting Republican accomplishments in the first year of the 115th Congress and the new Administration: How Republicans in Congress Made Great Strides in 2017Sen. John...
Today I spoke on the Senate’s passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the first comprehensive tax reform in more than three decades. This legislation will increase the child tax credit, reduce taxes for middle-income Americans...
Whether immigrants ever threatened the jobs and wages of the native-born once upon a time, they probably don’t threaten them now. There’s plenty of evidence that high-skilled foreigners raise the wages of high-skilled and...
Today on the Senate floor, I discussed the Democrats’ refusal to help pass the first real tax reform in more than three decades despite their support of key provisions in the proposal. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and...
After more than three decades waiting for comprehensive tax reform, Congress is poised to accomplish a rare feat in Washington: pass meaningful legislation that provides a real boost for American families and businesses....



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