For the past year, I have talked of the Wisconsin Strategy which was simply the left attempting to make governing impossible for conservative governors. When Governor Scott Walker actually decided to fulfill his campaign...
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and...
Lord Monckton was spotted at The Woodlands early voting polls on Thursday! He stopped by to express his admiration of the work that U.S. citizens in Tea Party organizations like Texas Patriots PAC are doing to get involved...
Republican Party of Texas - The Republican Party of Texas is pleased to announce that we have confirmed United States Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin as one of our featured speakers at the 2012 Texas GOP Convention Gala...
WASHINGTON— Today U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) joined by Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Al Franken (D-MN), introduced the Sexual Assault Forensic...
Texas State Representative Mike Hamilton's 8th day before election Campaign Finance Reports show that State Rep. Allan Ritter has given State Rep. Mike Hamilton at least $10,000. Click Here to see Mike Hamilton's Finance...
Garza and Bridge.jpg
During my trip through South Texas this month to talk about the changing political scene, a couple of issues rose to the top. The first being energy. Energy is HUGE in this region of Texas. The entire economic engine has...
When Jack Cashill advanced his theory that Obama did not write Dreams of My Father but that the book was actually written by Bill Ayers, my first thought was that this would end Obama's political career if proven...
Texas Tribune is hyping their poll as proof that there will likely be a run off in both the Republican and Democrat primary races for US Senator. But the big news should be how well informed and politically involved Texas...
On Tuesday, May 22, I will host a “Congress after Hours” event at Church of Champions. During the informal, come and go event, neighbors will have a chance to visit one-on-one with me for a few minutes. This will give people...
Violence like this along the border is getting worse and is already spilling over into the US and Texas. When will the Obama Administration and the Federal Government step up to do more to protect our own border from this...
During my exploration of South Texas Politics, I talked with McAllen Tea Party President Chuck Stewart about some of their local races and what his group is doing to find the best conservatives to run for office. He told me...
The views of individual TexasGOPVote bloggers do not necessarily reflect those of this week, I wrote about endorsements, slates and how to find recommendations you can trust. I also talked...
I think the people of Texas would be doing themselves and their legal system a disservice if they were to decline his offer to serve them for another term. - Elizabeth Alvarez BinghamIt was Nov 9, 2004 when Gov....
National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives....
It is an honor to be with you here this evening and discuss the important role that your institution plays in addressing the critical shortage of skilled workers in our state. TSTC has a long and distinguished history in...
Following is a letter I received from Brad Wright about the upcoming appeal in the case of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. DeLay was convicted of "money laundering" on what many believe to be an Ex Post Facto law....
Does your mailbox look like mine? Overflowing with ads from candidates for the primary election? Stuffed with slates from various groups and organizations? Now then, are you ready to vote? Now you must walk through the...
I made a recent trip to South Carolina where my mother lives, along with my brother. Actually the rest of my family now lives south of the Mason-Dixon Line and east of the Mississippi. My sister moved to North Carolina...
“If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”, has been around forever, but this is a little late in coming. It is so interesting that there are now at least three different versions of the silly yellow flier.



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