Unsurprisingly, media and Democrats are in or are raising a major dither about a statement by Rick Santorum that Obama was promoting “some phony ideal...some phony theology…” in the clip that was shown in Bob Schieffer’s...
I had a chance last month to speak to the convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. I talked about nullification, the book and the concept. (I note that Amazon has only six copies left at $10...
Disclaimer: the following article is the opinion of David Bellow, an individual who is on the SREC, and does not express the "official opinion" of the Republican Party of TexasThe State of Texas is under assault by...
The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas was built in order to find ways to connect the Latino community with the Republican party. For three years we have maneuvered around Texas working at the grassroots level,...
For many years after he left office, Reagan’s Presidency was viewed as a failure, but since his foreign policy led to the end of the Cold War and his economic philosophy led to three decades of growth, it was hard for...
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Speaking before a sold-out crowd of over 800 Houston business and community leaders, radio talk-show host Michael Berry joined with Texans for Sensible Immigration Reform activist Norman Adams, immigration attorney C
SAN ANTONIO – The First Amendment to the Constitution establishes our right to exercise our religious beliefs as we deem fit, without fear of persecution, intimidation or coercion from our government. Freedom of religion,...
On Saturday February 11th, participants in a leadership conference in Dallas attended by Nation of Islam spokespersons, local and national Korean-American leaders including the Korean Society of Dallas, NAACP officials, and...
The San Antonio Federal Court regarding the redistricting lawsuit has declared that Texas will not have a Primary Election before May 29th, 2012. We have been told to plan for an election on May 29th but that we could also...
A reader writes: I have been looking for a list of economists who support Ron Paul for president. I constantly get the following comment from other economists, “Ron Paul doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s for the...
When I was learning to drive, I asked my dad to teach me to drive a stick, and he asked me why. As he explained, “You are putting automotive back thirty years, you don’t realize how glad I was to be able to put the key into...
So why is everyone so surprised that Media Matters declared war on conservative politicians and Fox news? Or that Media Matters is cooperating with the White House? This is a story similar to dog bites man.
Marriott Ballroom capacity 3,152CPAC-12 was fun and exciting. It is the only time you can see and hear so many conservatives and Republicans gather for one purpose, to excite and motivate the GOP electorate. You can get as...
Update: The New Draft Plan has come out and all counties and senatorial districts will be able to have precinct conventions (if they want) and they can be whenever and wherever the county or senatorial district wants....
Florida Congressman Allen West gave a fearless speech this morning to the House in commemoration of Black History Month, discussing the truth about Democratic racism. He explained that the Republican Party has always been...
I'm proud to support and participate in the Faith and Freedom First Rally organized by the Latino National Republican Coalition (LNRC) in response to President Obama's demand that the Catholic Church and other religious...
Rick Santorum is a nice man. He has the attributes of all that is valuable in a husband and father. I applaud him for this. In a recent interview, he compared himself to Richie Cunningham, the character in the TV show,...
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! Isaiah 5:20Click to view video: http://video.foxnews.com/v/...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House...
I believe that Governor Sarah Palin had the potential and many opportunities over the last 3 years to unite us in much the same way that Ronald Reagan did when he built his coalition between 1976 and 1980. The fact that she...



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