“A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." - George William Curtis, American WriterMulticulturalism is the...
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Several states passed Arizona style anti-immigrant laws this year. Texas did not.  Did we sidestep a landmine of unintended consequences? To point, Alabama and Georgia passed laws cracking down on illegal immigrants and...
Several days ago, a Facebook Friend posted the question as to why Social Security checks are the first thing threatened when a shortfall on the existing budget is a possibility, in this case, unless the debt-ceiling is...
Same Primary Election Date but all other dates modifiedTexas faced a bit of a dilemma in the Texas Legislative Session this past year. The Move Act requires States to send out ballots to troops...
There is a lesson from the Harry Potter series worth examining - what happens to a society when the governing class ceases to govern effectively and worries more about protecting itself? Throughout the Harry Potter series,...
No political movement in America has received more media attention over the last two years than the TEA Party (that’s Taxed Enough Already). For many Americans it is their new or second political home, but for many others it...
As usual, the correct position is the exact opposite of what the major networks bark at you. Among many other good things, lowering the debt ceiling would improve investor confidence, by making clear that fewer resources...
NRCC - Desperate to find a bright spot in Democrats’ failed economic agenda, President Obama has been claiming that he “rescue[d] this [auto] industry from a crisis.PRESIDENT OBAMA GOES ON PUBLICITY BLITZ FOR THE AUTO...
UPDATE: the one Jasper Council Member who survived the Jasper recall election, Tommy Adams, was just arrested and charged for Drunk Driving ( DWI 11-28-11) ...
Today, I issued this statement after the landing of Atlantis, marking the final mission of the U.S. shuttle program.Today’s final shuttle landing is a bittersweet milestone for human spaceflight. Texans should take pride in...
NRCC - The House Democrats’ campaign arm launched a fundraising drive last weekend saying that they “don’t quit” demanding a new credit card for more government spending with no strings attached:DEMOCRATS LAUNCH “WE DON’T...
Patriots,While cleaning around the new homestead, there was an area that was covered in old hay and stray. There were piles of it spread over an area behind the barn. On top over it, were a few boards and all of the various...
Is the Government Participating In a Huge Ponzi Scheme?In a word, yes! Some time ago, Treasury Secretary Geithner sent a letter to Congressional leaders about the debt ceiling increase, stating that "...
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson went "On the Record" last week to discuss the debt ceiling situation and explains why he's not confident a debt deal will be reached. View video and transcript below:  Watch the latest video at...
This is the first in a series of interviews this writer will present in an effort to paint a more full and accurate picture than one can find in mainstream media, of the most dynamic, commonly misrepresented, sometimes...
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No Disrespect intended to Jello when compared to Obama and Democrats (Party of No) Crying like an injured bride, President Obama said today that Speaker Boehner "Left me at...
Karl Rove went "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the Republican Presidential Primary. He explains that there is going to be a primary before the primary, wherein Mitt Romney is the frontrunner and the rest...
Today, I spoke on the Senate floor in support of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act and to address the continued failure of Democrats to propose a plan to address our debt crisis.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 concluded the adventure of the boy wizard versus the evil Lord Voldemort. The movie does not follow the book faithfully at every point, but it does follow the book theme of...
Today, I co-sponsored the Cut, Cap and Balance Act. This legislation would enact significant spending cuts, place enforceable caps on government spending and require the passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment in order to...



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