
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
What the world witnesses in the Turkish coup attempt is a direct result of the foreign policy of Barack Obama, ergo the residual of Hillary Clinton’s failed job as Secretary of State. The woman who presided over Arab Spring...
There is one justice system in the United States, and one set of laws that we all must follow. When those laws are not respected, there are consequences – unless you’re former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump officially became the Republican Party's presidential nominee on Tuesday after a roll call vote overshadowed by dissent and apathy atypical of what is traditionally a celebration of the party's White House...
My wife has voted Republican as long as we’ve been married; 29 years. Shortly into this primary season with Donald Trump already leading among the large field of candidates, she told me she would not vote for Donald Trump...
Friday morning, our presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, confirmed that Indiana Governor Mike Pence would be his running mate.
Nearly $1 billion in planned construction of state-owned buildings in Texas represents a “golden opportunity” for commercial builders, according to a key official who said this is being done in a conservative way that will...
Bill would increase penalties against violent criminals who deliberately target law enforcement.
There are still Sanders supporters who are not keen to jump to Clinton, no matter what Sanders says or what organizations like the Communications Workers of America who backed Sanders in December and are now backing Clinton...
I delivered a speech at The Heritage Foundation calling on Congress to keep the Internet free and prevent President Obama’s dangerous Internet giveaway.
It is abundantly clear that Attorney General Lynch has not acted in the best interest of the American people and has not remained neutral throughout this entire investigation.
For the first time in 36 years, there was a vote on the floor of a party’s nominating convention this past Monday that actually held an element of suspense.
Aiming to get away this summer?If you land in the nation’s capital, you may see more familiar faces than you would expect. And while I’m willing to bet you’ll recognize two Texas icons, I won’t make the same bet that they...
Delegates hoping to upend Donald Trump's nomination are attempting a last-gasp effort to fight back as the Republican National Convention kicks off on Monday. A group of anti-Trump delegates submitted signatures to try to...
Mike Pence brings boredom to the ticket, and that in itself is not bad thing, while adding a seriousness of a candidate who has both legislative and executive experience.
Of Alinsky’s Rules, Rule #5 is “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” It is the left’s most used and overworked tactic.
No American should be discriminated against for their pro-life stance or be forced to participate in the brutal act of abortion. Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed S. 304, the Conscience Protection Act.
Last Thursday night, hundreds gathered in downtown Dallas to engage in a peaceful protest. Dozens of police officers were on hand to make sure that these protesters could exercise their rights under the First Amendment to...
No, Donald Trump is not the thief. He took advantage of the party establishment’s corrupted process. Calculating party officials arranged open and winner-take all primaries with hopes of achieving a “moderate” winner in...
The welfare system is a welfare hustle for the most part. Sure there are those who need welfare. I suggest that less than 10 percent of Americans at any given time really need welfare.However because of the welfare hustle,...
The Obama administration knowingly spent billions in health care dollars without proper congressional authority and went to “great lengths” to impede congressional scrutiny of the money, Republicans on two major House...



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