
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Recently, intentions have been overridden by circumstance. Starting a day with a few topics in mind, another priority intrudes on plans. I have been posting on the idea and the necessity of nullification, and had a couple...
I have joined with Shirley Spellerberg’s posts calling for dismissal of the idea of a national Constitutional Convention. This and the fact that she was at the center of the 1996 convention fight to have Initiative And...
The Senate State Affairs Committee should Kill the ConCon ResolutiosLt. Governor Dewhurst is misguidedly calling for a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of a federal Balanced Budget Amendment. The BBA is only one of...
I hope that President Obama’s address tonight represents a real commitment to change the direction of his Administration’s policies, not simply a change in his rhetoric. The President campaigned as a moderate, spent the...
Majorities rise and fall by the will of the people, and this new Republican Congress is sworn in under the American people’s message to lead with accountability – not a mandate. I’m very proud that 87 new Republican Members...
CNS News reports that the 111th Congress added more to the national debt than the first 100 Congresses combined. The new debt, totalling $3.22 trillion amounts to $10,429.64 for every one of the over 300 million persons in...
Washington Post editorial writer Ezra Klein raises a good question: “I'm very curious to know what the GOP -- or the tea partyers they're presumably pandering to -- think will happen when every piece of legislation requires...
As the GOP takes over the House, Republicans will be taking over the Chairs of all of the committees, which includes the Homeland Security, Ways and Means, and Judiciary Committees. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum...
Michele Bachmann goes "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the Lame Duck congress still at work and Tea Party disappointment over GOP concessions in tax cuts, START, and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Venting her...
On his Friday radio program, Dennis Prager looked back to a speech in the 1990’s at Hillsdale College by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that is available online. It was the concluding presentation of a...
Today I introduced a resolution (H.Res. 72) calling on ten House committees to review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from federal government agencies, focusing on their impact on our nation’s economy...
Sometimes another post pushes a button for a further discussion. Shirley Spellerberg is 100% right about avoiding a constitutional convention. That interest raises a broader question. Do we mistakenly think new federal laws...
Don’t Mess With Our Constitution!Resolutions Calling for a Constitutional Convention (ConCon) have Been Filed by Republicans in Both the House and the Senate. They must be stopped!!
Last week in an article entitled "Travesty in Texas," the editors at the National Review Online discussed the abusive political persecution of former Texas House majority leader Tom DeLay and explained why Prosecutor Ronnie...
When GOP law makers take control of the House in about an hour from now, they plan to hit the ground running. The Washington Post Reports that Republican House members have a "20-day plan aimed at undoing major aspects of...
Marxism is dead and has been since the Berlin Wall came crashing down. In today’s world, there are leaders who view themselves as Marxist-Leninists (like Hugo Chavez) or even communist (Yes, there is still a communist Party...
I of course, believe that individuals, families, and communities as close as possible to the patient can, in a free market, best determine and acquire health care services as with so many other items and services.  But I...
Here are a few thoughts on 2012 and beyond. In a recent piece in the Weekly Standard, Jay Cost observed that the 2012 election will be close and best case scenario for Republicans would be 51-49. Another aspect is...
Today, I warned that the recent action by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to interfere with broadband access services could lead to further delays in America’s innovation and economic recovery.I am disappointed...
Waste Management drivers, helpers and technicians in Rensselaer and Albany Counties recently got training in mobile community watch."They're on these routes every day so they're used to the normal situation so they are able...



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