Barack Obama

At the end of this week, the House of Representatives will take up the Continuing Resolution to fund the government. It is unclear whether they will choose to defund Obamacare through the CR, rather than through a symbolic...
One year ago today, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and U.S. Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed during an attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi. One...
Syria is where Obama's foreign policy follies are laid bare and found in disarray. That can no longer be debatable, but what is debatable is what to do about this disaster. Republican Congressman Tom Cotton. and hopefully...
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit a Syrian refugee camp while I was overseas in Turkey. This helped me to better understand the civil war raging in Syria. In the midst of the current turmoil, the...
Obama has more excuses than he has scandals concerning the myriad of problems in the black community, including the bad behavior of black kids in schools.In his latest “I hate imperialist white America” action, Obama wants...
Every year, millions of Americans across the fruited plains send their tax returns to the IRS. Some claim exemptions so they can keep more of their money; now the IRS wants an exemption of its own.IRS employees want an...
Just in case you missed it, Barack Obama has discovered that Charleston, Savannah and Jacksonville are off the Gulf Coast. So from the President, who once traveled our 57 states during the 2008 elections and noted that...
I spoke on the Senate floor today, inviting his fellow Senators to embrace the Texas model, proven to create economic growth, rather than relying on the failed policies of President Obama.The full speech can be seen here and...
The defense rested today in the second degree murder persecution of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is standing trial on trumped up charges after the States Attorney bowed public pressure and filed charges against Zimmerman...
Scott Rasmussen reported that 51% of voters view radical Muslim as our biggest threat, but only 13% of voters view the Tea Party as the biggest threat to United States. However, only 29% of Obama supporters view radical...
I don't know about you, but Obamacare is making me sick. Yeah, the sweeping piece of legislation that was supposed to be the 'remedy' that was going to single-handedly save all of the people who were uninsured from the evil...
The recent job report simply shows what has been obvious, Obamanomics is still failing! The media reports that unemployment has dropped to 7.3 from 7.4, and of course the perfunctory declaration of hundreds of thousands of...
Syria is a debacle, and the people responsible are President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Obama has decided to allow Congress a say, why, it is anyone's guess. What can’t be denied is that the Middle...
Once again, President Barack Obama ignores the Constitution and skirts the legislative process of legally creating laws by issuing two new executive orders. The idiocy of this is neither of the new executive orders relating...
I agree with Farrakhan that government is not the solution for blacks, or anybody else. But to not place any blame on Obama, and to blame the problems of “black America” on racism and greed of the past is ridiculous.
And not since the dalliances of the sex-crazed Warren Beatty have so many Hollyweirdos been so publicly humiliated.America’s most recent scorned lover is Matt Damon.The Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon admitted recently that...
All the hoopla over the Zimmerman verdict, the threat of violence, and all the other predictions that the media and the Obama administration and race-pimps ginned up, and poof…nothing. The biggest civil rights trial of the...
As anyone who runs a business or owns a farm or ranch in Texas knows, President Obama has been using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce an anti-business agenda. For the past six years, our economy has...
Hollywood has been tripping all over itself to support and further the policies of Barack Obama.As the nation remains in economic distress and is herded toward the healthcare reform it largely rejects, and as Conservatives,...
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, has been celebrated by conservatives and maligned by liberals and the mainstream media (isnt that the same thing?) for decades. Having served under three Republican...



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