Barack Obama

Why are we so obsessed with Obama? We all know he is destroying America; the proof is all around us, so why do we have to know why? We all know he is dividing America, so why don’t we try to unite? We all know he is...
I blogged a few days ago that the fundamental problem with Obamacare in its conception, not merely its implementation, and that is absolutely true. But I have to admit to some surprise at the utter ineptitude of its...
These are some things I wrote over four years ago, when the law was still being devised and I hoped would never pass. They discuss some possibilities and principles that apply to where we are: Understanding Health Insurance...
I received the following email from a constituent who forwarded me comments from a former government worker:As a former government employee, I have worked for the government for over 40 years. During that time I became...
I DVR'd Sunday News programs while at church yesterday, as I have recorded back through VCR days, watching them in the afternoon. Default default default. EVERYONE is talking about "default."...
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the United States Government cannot pay its debts. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing...
Obama’s henchman, Senator Harry Reid, and Senate Democrats have not passed a budget in four years. The Senate’s obstructionist, do-nothing policy has refused every attempt of the House to make reasonable changes to the Un-...
David Bellow Exclusive:Crossing the line? President Obama sent a partisan and non-factual email to all Federal employees blaming the Republican controlled House of Representatives for the shutdown and claiming that the...
In April, the United Nations passed an arms control treaty that poses a serious threat to the 2nd Amendment rights and other constitutionally protected rights of American citizens. At that time Texas Attorney General Greg...
Team Obama will try to present the Russian proposal to get the Syrians to give up their chemical weapons as a brilliant maneuver by Obama as part of a longer term strategy, but the reality is Obama got check mated by Putin...
The following press release was sent to me from Texas Congressman Steve Stockman:WASHINGTON - The nation's economy continues to flounder and full recovery appears even further away, according to an objective mathematical...
The roll out of the Obamacare website was exactly what its supporters predicted – a train wreck. To try and clean up the mess, President Obama is calling up a tech surge to overhaul the website, and sending the bill to the...
I quote: "The fact that we are here today to debate raising Americas debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."It is a sign that the U.S. Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we depend on financial...
The Obama Administration has perpetrated assault after assault on the American people while the news media stands by with their pens pointed at the Tea Party, Conservatives, Christians and now the Veterans. How much more...
House conservatives are united in our determination to cut federal spending and stop the out-of-control expansion of our national debt. Unfortunately, for the first time in our history, the president and his political...
To think they jumped on Romney when he mentioned the 47 percent.Here is Obama calling people who get behind on their mortgages, “Deadbeats.”Well I know lots of deadbeats! And Obama is creating these slackers at a frantic...
I wanted to share with you a floor speech I delivered questioning why Department of Defense civilian workers have not been allowed to go back to work.
You must understand what is happening here. This play is a direct result of how the surrendered Republicans have played so far. As per the Rand Paul explanation, these Republicans ABSOLUTELY STINK at political poker. Reid...
The 2012 election and the retention of the most un-American (I’m talking un-American policy-wise, as opposed to birth, which has long been of no consequence in any case) American President in our history, with the...
This “Help Kickstart World War III” may be one of the most clever videos I’ve seen in some time! Who says that the Left doesn’t support Obama…no matter what!? Check out this special interest group.



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