Marco Rubio

Retiring Republican Senator, Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire is a shining example of where the Republican Party has gone wrong. Judd’s Eastern establishment mindset and his...
According to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Florida voters, the November outcome for the Florida Senate may rely on which Democrat candidate wins the primary. The results below show that Marco Rubio...
The National Association of Elected Latino officials released a poll showing that for many Hispanic voters, immigration is the number one issue. Even jobs and the economy have slipped below immigration as a concern for...
I would name a handful of the weekend’s Conservative Political Action Committee convention speakers in Washington, that I’d describe as particularly important to see.
Marco Rubio gave an outstanding keynote speech at the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) today. The transcript of his speech follows:
Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it. Abraham LincolnThe mood of America is moving to free us from the Socialists/Democrats we now have in...
Voters in Alaska, Arizona, Florida, and Vermont will be heading to the polls August 24th to vote in their state's primary elections. Across the nation, eyes will be closely watching the Florida and Arizona primary elections...
On this past FOX News Sunday, they had Florida Republican Senate candidates Governor Charlie Crist and Speaker of the state House of Representatives Marc Rubio for a little debate. Crist is a traditional Republican who has...
Adryana Boyne, National Director of VOCES Action, was interviewed by TexasGOPVote. VOCES stands for “Voices Offering Conservative Empowering Solutions.” VOCES Action is aimed at communicating conservative values within and...



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