
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
Today I voted in support of the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which passed in the House by a vote of 241-183.Today we celebrate and protect life. While thousands march across Washington today to recognize the...
Today, Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) announced that he would not seek re-election for his Texas House of Representatives seat in House District 121. 
I recently released the following statement in support of a measure to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks, which is when a fetus can feel pain, with exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or when a mother’s life is in danger:...
The Special Session called by Governor Greg Abbott is officially over, so how did we do protecting life?  Short answer: never in the history of Texas, has the legislature passed so many life-saving, life affirming measures...
Smithee defended his bill, saying it was needed to keep people with moral, religious and philosophical objections from having to pay for abortions. 
On April 1st Providence Catholic School held its Legacy Gala at the Hilton airport. Individual seats went for $100.00 and table sponsorships sold at $1,000.00. The purpose was to raise funds for the Catholic school.
In a recent article on their website, Empower Texans claims that Texas Alliance for Life opposed a bill to ban the most common method of second trimester abortion, Senate Bill 415, claiming that we “sided with pro-abortion...
You are the Light of the World. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father. Matthew 5:14, 16PROVIDENCE: A College Preparatory School for Girls...
Last Friday, thousands of Americans descended on Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life.
Late Friday afternoon, federal Judge Sam Sparks issued a preliminary injunction to prevent the State of Texas from enforcing new rules for abortion facilities requiring the humane disposition of the bodies of babies who have...
AUSTIN -- United States Federal District Court Judge Lee Yeakel released his ruling today permanently striking down the portion of Senate Bill 8 (SB 8) that bans dismemberment abortions, in which a live unborn child in the...
As a strong supporter of life, I had the opportunity to continue the fight for the lives of innocent unborn children last week when I voted for H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
Yesterday I voted in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36), which restricts abortions 20 weeks or more after fertilization. Specifically, H.R.
The Texas Legislature concluded its 140-day regular session at the end of May with sensational pro-life successes. The Legislature passed six pro-life bills, continued to fund alternatives to abortion and continued to defund...
With pro-life Republican Governor Abbott at the helm, and pro-life Republicans Joe Straus and Dan Patrick leading in the House and Senate, Texas continues to set the standard for protecting the unborn.
Four major pro-life organizations representing more than 10 million Texans have announced support of key bills before the House chamber of the 85th Texas Legislature. 
I released the following statement in support of the passage of a measure to disapprove of a rule that forces states to give grants funded by taxpayers dollars to abortion providers rather than community health centers and...
The theme for this year’s 44th March for Life, held on January 27th on the grounds of the Washington Monument in Washington DC, was ‘The Power of One’, but for all practical purposes ‘Defund Planned Parenthood’ signage was...
Following a federal judge’s ruling blocking new rules about the disposal of fetal remains in this state, the powerful Chairman of the Texas House State Affairs Committee did something on Saturday he has never done during the...
For decades Members on both sides of the aisle have supported the Hyde Amendment, a critical measure that prevents any federal funding of abortions. I firmly believe that it is morally wrong to use any hard earned taxpayer...



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