United States

The last few months have seen increased provocation from Kim Jong Un and the North Korean government, as they continue to develop nuclear weapons and threaten the rest of the world. That's why the House voted overwhelmingly...
The Democrats and their allies in the media want you to believe two conflicting “certainties” about the recently passed House Republican health-care bill. First, they want you to think that this bill doesn’t amount to...
On Thursday, I introduced the Veterans Equal Treatment Ensures Relief and Access Now (VETERAN) Act, which would cement in legislation the IRS's current practice of providing eligible veterans the choice to get...
The U.S. job market rebounded strongly last month and the unemployment rate fell to the lowest level seen in a decade, government data released Friday morning showed, calming fears that had bubbled up in the past month about...
Today on the Senate floor, I discussed the bipartisan legislation to fund the government, which includes additional funding for border security and defense, and the importance of free trade agreements to Texas.  Excerpts of...
Clinton's emails ended up on Weiner's computer as the FBI director strongly defended his decision to alert Congress just days before the 2016 election about his agency's investigation into emails potentially related to...
An unarmed missile capable of sending a nuclear bomb across the world was launched Wednesday from a coastal California military base amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. The unarmed Minuteman 3...
I released the following statement after introducing the Mahan Airlines and Terrorism Prevention Act, which would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to report a list of airports at which Mahan Air,...
With the first 100 days in the rearview mirror, President Trump is entering the next phase of his administration vowing to confront the crisis with North Korea – saying in an interview that “we have to be prepared for the...
One doesn’t have to be a PhD to understand the flaws of climate change science as it is presently constituted. If humans are primarily responsible for climate change along with C02, then how does that theory act in the real...
Last week, the House passed its repeal and replacement of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA). While this is not the perfect bill, nor the bill I would have written, it gets the ball rolling to bring health...
Looking at the Trump Tax Plan, what grabs you is how the corporate rate is similar to Ted Cruz’s business tax rates, which were proposed in the primary, and how similar Trump’s individual tax plan is to Marco Rubio’s while...
The last few weeks have been full of horror stories from passengers of major U.S. airlines. That's why this Tuesday, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will hold a full committee hearing to examine U.S....
This week, the House passed two important pieces of legislation- the Fiscal Year 2017 funding bill and the American Health Care Act. Omnibus
Border apprehensions of illegal immigrants are substantially down in the first few months of the Trump administration. In fact, the border apprehension figure for the month of March is only 16,600, the lowest monthly figure...
As Chairman of the House Committee on Rules, I recently released the following statement in support of a measure to allow private-sector employers to offer employees the choice of paid time off in lieu of cash wages for...
Last week, President Donald Trump came out with a plan for tax reform that lowers the corporate tax rate and simplifies taxes for individuals. Now, the House Ways and Means Committee has to get down to the hard work of...
As Chairman of the Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee, I introduced legislation to help wounded warriors who return to work have access to the affordable health care they deserve.  More specifically, the Health...
When the Founding Fathers wrote the Bill of Rights, they provided American citizens with protections for individual liberties including free speech, the right to bear arms, and more. The Fourth Amendment protects Americans...
A short-term spending agreement to keep the federal government open for another week passed the House of Representatives on Friday.The U.S. Senate is expected to pass the short-term deal later Friday and House and Senate...



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