United States

The recent scandal involving the Clinton’s may be the final straw that could end Hillary’s quest for the White House.
Ron Paul ran for the White House in 2008 and 2012, and now his son has brought focus on the Libertarian movement within the Republican Party.
Last week the House passed two bills to combat the growing threat of cyber attacks. Cyber threats can compromise everything from personal privacy to intellectual property to our national security, and the problem is only...
When our Founders placed Art. V in our Constitution, they could not have envisioned the harmful changes in the moral, social, technological, demographic, economic, and public and higher education that have taken place...
John Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. He established the Rutherford Institute back in 1982 and still serves as President...
The last time Congress seriously tried to restrict legal immigration was in 1996 - and that effort failed despite the then popularity of such a measure. Such a bill in today’s political environment with substantially less...
It didn't happen on 4/20 -- marijuana's high holy day -- but expect Michele Leonhart to step down soon as administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. officials familiar with the matter say.
Last week was Tax Week. We all had to file our taxes (or extensions), and in Congress, the House passed several bills improving our Tax system and repealing the estate tax.
That point bears constant repetition, because this is the urgent thing that sets Cruz apart. Utah Senator Mike Lee was asked to comment on all three announced Republican candidates. He said each (Cruz, Paul, Rubio) was a...
Today, we pause and remember those who were injured and those who lost their lives 20 years ago at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in a senseless act of terrorism.
Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), passed the Trade Priorities and Accountability Act (TPA). TPA empowers Congress to outline trade priorities for the President...
An ashen Baltimore awoke on Tuesday morning to reveal a battled scarred city charred by fire following a night of violent rioting and looting after the funeral of Freddie Gray - who died in police custody. Acrid smoke hung...
Last week, Senate Republicans made headlines as the new Republican-controlled chamber passed 100 days in the 114th Congress. By many measures, the Senate seems to be back in business.
In this New York Times article by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, he's on the side of religious liberty, and already I hear mockers on the left saying he just supports discrimination.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Barack Obama has become the largest international arms dealer since the end of WWII, according research done is a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)....
In remarks on the Senate floor yesterday, I thanked victim advocacy groups and his Senate colleagues for working together to end the impasse over the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act.
On FOX New Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed two possible 2016 candidates for president of The United States in 2016, who displayed a stark indifference to the most fundamental principles of The Constitution. Democrats of...
The Veterans Administration and Department of Justice are unfairly targeting veterans with a labeling system that bans mentally stable veterans from owning guns. This is NOT about PTSD soldiers who need counseling and meds...
Last week, I introduced H.R. 1803 the Veterans Back to Work Act of 2015. This legislation would make the veterans tax credit permanent and make it easier for employers to take advantage of it.
This Wednesday was Tax Day. Yet another reminder of how year after year, Americans see more and more of their money go to the Federal Government. This week, Congress passed important legislation to lessen the burden on...



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